Too Proud to Seek Knowledge? Its easy these days when you are a - TopicsExpress


Too Proud to Seek Knowledge? Its easy these days when you are a daee to resist seeking knowledge deeply and in a structured way. You could be so eloquent, so advanced in your presentation of certain subjects, but know deep down that perhaps you cant recite the Quran fluently and cant understand the words of your salah, or youve never studied one chapter of fiqh before in your life. Yet the fame and peoples praise and awe of you deludes you into thinking: Im OK, I know enough. In the past, the Students of Knowledge WERE the Callers to Allah -the duaat. There was not this separate category of the super-duper daee who has only memorised three verses of the Quran which he will keep repeating in every talk he gives. This is why they made fewer mistakes and had deeper insight and wisdom and their dawah was not superficial. One of the salaf said, “No shy or arrogant person will ever seek knowledge.” If a person is too shy to ask the questions in their head, too embarrassed to ask about things of a sensitive nature or basic nature then their understanding will be deficient and foundations weak. Likewise, if a person is too arrogant to study the basics of the religion thoroughly, thinking that will make me look like a beginner, or too arrogant to attend classes with those who are younger than him, or if she wont ask questions because she doesnt want people to know she doesnt know....such a person will stagnate in their knowledge. So, swallow your pride, overcome your shyness. This is about you, sincerely understanding sacred knowledge and through it drawing closer to Allah. Seeking knowledge will open up vistas for you that will benefit your dawah immensely. Focus on yourself and forget about people judging you. Before long youll be enjoying the fruits of knowledge so much that you will be glad you overcame those barriers. However if you resist seeking knowledge because of pride and shyness, years will pass, your hairs will grow grey, your dawah will stagnate, and youll know deep down, that your arrogance or your shyness prevented you from learning how to read the Quran beautifully, or to understand the Quran properly, or to know the Fiqh of salah. How much regret will you have then? How many a retired old man did I see sitting on street corners in Cairo, reciting Quran with passion and ferver as if to soothe themselves in their last days and prepare themselves to meet the Rafeequl Alaa: the Highest Companion: Allah. When the fans have moved on to the next great speaker, the next great celebrity and you are left with that Mus-haf in your will be then that youll realise that if only you could recite and understand the beautiful melodious words of Allah to yourself you could soothe yourself and your heart would find felicity. If only...
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 00:31:53 +0000

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