Too funny. Turkeys playing soccer. They cant foul since they - TopicsExpress


Too funny. Turkeys playing soccer. They cant foul since they dont have any hands. haha Thanksgiving is less than a week away for those of us in the USA. It will be the first Thanksgiving that we have spent with family since 2006. We are looking forward to it and at the same time a little sad that we are not away by ourselves. It has become our tradition that we have spent it every year in the Dominican Republic. This year is nice that we are spending it with my family again. Part of the reason we started going away to spend the holiday together was because I last saw one of my brothers on Thanksgiving. Its hard to believe that that was 20 years ago! It seems like yesterday. He was so thankful and optimistic on that day. His birthday was coming up. His favorite holiday was Christmas. He was filled with joyous plans for the future. I will forever be haunted by his death. I will forever remember our last conversations that day. Rick had the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met. He was both an angel and a devil. Back in those days, no matter what, I went to work. The day he was killed, I was not feeling well, and hubby asked me why I always pushed myself so much. I took the day off. Rick called me from my office. He had stopped in to say hello and see how I was doing. I spoke to him on the phone briefly. Later that night he was dead. All these years later I cannot forget the call I received in the middle of the night. Are you [my name]? Yes. Are you a lawyer? Yes. Do you have a brother Rick? Yes. Your brother is dead. It changed my life and life view. Rick still appears to me in my dreams. He is still always very much alive in them. They are now always happy dreams about him and he is giving me good advice. The last one was only a couple of weeks ago. He was encouraging me to be happy and to laugh. Rick had such an, it was impossible not to smile and laugh back with him. I will be thankful this week for what I have and remember always to keep smiling and laughing. Enjoy the turkeys playing soccer/football. Who knows, it could be their last days, so one must live every day to the fullest!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:49:53 +0000

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