Too long to post at first hand? There I found a very good comment - TopicsExpress


Too long to post at first hand? There I found a very good comment by a person named Jacob. This is one of the comments in a unbiasedtalk. : unbiasedtalk/the-intellects/historical-evidence-that-proves-jesus-christ-never-existed-and-was-created-by-constantine-romans/ ==== Margie Jacobs January 11, 2014 at 12:15 pm To whom it may concern. I’ve read your piece on your opinion of the origin of the person and name Jesus Christ. And I do agree with you that Christianity is a hybrid religion and that the Messiah who is The One, as you said “There may have been a man that walked the earth in the land known as Nazareth that attempted to guide the people back to righteousness”. He is the Messiah, and it was not an attempt, but He succeeded to bring righteousness to the people. The problem is that man chooses not to accept. But those who do, will be saved. Christianity is a combination of paganism with the original faith of our Creator and Messiah. Emperor Constantine 1 was instrumental in the changes and the Catholic church followed through with this faith tainted with wormwood. In no uncertain terms you tell the Christians to do their research, and I agree with you but you yourself fall way short of the truth. For man to understand why the Christian faith has gone the way it has you need to study Scripture. You need to understand why this has happened. Ever since the fall man has sinned and disobeyed our Heavenly Father. He has warned man and they took no heed. Our heavenly Father ( ????) continued to warn and told His people Israel, that He would give them a certificate of divorce and scatter them all over the world. They would intermarry with the pagans, adopt their beliefes and they would not recognise who they are anymore. The Southern Tribes went to Babylon. A remnant of them repented and after their punishment was fulfilled they returned to Israel. But the northern tribes were scattered north towards Europe. Their punishment was 390 years times seven. That would then be 2730 years. This happened from 745 – 721 BC. Which means only from about the year 1996 is the punishment being lifted. In that time Christianity was born and still today exist. Yahuah’s ( ????) people were lost all these years, but He did not forget them. He sent His Son Yahusha ( ?????) to save His people. His Name is not Jesus, this is a deception from Satan to get Yahuah’s people to bring His Name to naught, which is breaking the 3rd commandment. Our messiah was sent for the lost, those scattered. Scripture talks about the regathering, which is happening now. Is Scripture the truth? Absolutely! And can be proven. I’ll give you the short version how this is done. The New Testament was written AD50-90. Which means that the people were still alive who witnessed the crucifixion, and when this was written. They were eye witnesses when Yahusha Messiah was put on the stake. The eye witness account you will find in 1Cor 15. This is very important. If we compare it with an event such as the holocaust and why it will always be remembered. Man will not forget, and if one would want to change it he would need to change the original and all copies of written work. Which is impossible. That is why we know the truth of the death and resurrection of our Messiah. We do not have any of the originals manuscripts. But we do have 5300 Greek and altogether of Syriac, Latin, Coptic and Aramaic 24 633 texts of the NT to confirm the wording of The Scriptures. We have writings of non believers confirming the ministry, death and resurrection: - Flavius Josephus – AD 93 - The Babylonian Talmud – AD 70 – 200 - Pliny the Younger’s letter to the Emperor Trajan – approx AD 100 - Annals of Tacitus – AD 115 – 117 - Mara Bar Serapion – AD 73 - Suetonius Life of Claudius and life of Nero – AD 120 With the New Testament being proved to be the truth, we have many prophecies of the birth, life and ministry of our Messiah written 750 – 1000 years before He was born. Which were all fulfilled. Scriptural prophecies are unique in that it is very specific, unlike any psychic prediction. Eg. The very tribe, city and time of Yahusha’s coming. None of these failed. 191 Prophecies of the Messiah were written 100’s of years before He was born. They were beyond human ability to fake fulfilment. If Yahusha were a mere human He would have had no control when(Dan 9:24-27) where(Micah 5:2) or how He would be born(Isaiah 7:14) . He would have had no control over how He would die. (Psalm 22 & Isaiah 53) He would not have been able to do miracles (Isaiah 35:5&6) He would not have been able to rise from the dead.( Psalm 2 & 16) Statistically it would be impossible that all these events would have converged randomly in the life of one person. Mathematicians have calculated for just 16 predictions being fulfilled in one person’s life at 1 in 10to the power of 45. For 48 predictions 1 in 10 to the power of 157. It is impossible to conceive of a number that large, let alone 191 prophecies. It is not just a statistical impossibility that rules out the theory that Yahusha engineered His prophecy fulfilments. Scripture is the only Book of faith that contains Scientific facts. Here are some facts mentioned long before man figured it out. Science expresses the universe in 5 terms. Time, space, matter, power and motion. This can be found in the 1st book, first chapter of Scripture. Invisible atoms – Hebr 11:3 Expansion of the earth – Ps 104 ;2 The earth’s free float – Job 26:7 Revolving of the earth – Luk 17:34 1st law of thermodynamics – Gen 2:1 2nd law of thermodynamics – Is 51:6 Radio waves travel at the speed of light – Job 38:35 Other scientific facts that can be found in Scripture are: All rivers run into the sea; cycle of air currents; ocean currents; blood clotting etc. This must give you something to think about. But it is not all, let us look at some other amazing facts. If you were to take 10 people who grew up and lives in the same area, doing the same job, have the same interests etc. Get them to write on one controversial topic, you will struggle to get them to agree on the topic. Scripture was written over a period of 1500 years, by more than 40 authors, from all walks of life ( fishermen, politicians, generals, kings, shepherds, historians and a medical doctor). They wrote in dungeons, temples, on beaches, hillsides during peace and war. They wrote over 100’s of controversial subjects with complete harmony and agreement. This I believe if sufficient evidence for me to believe The Word of Yahuah is the truth and nothing but the truth. Let us look at our Creator and see if He is real. If you see a painting, you know there is a painter. No matter what you look at whether a car, building or a watch, you know man made it. Let us look at our surroundings ( I like to call it creation). The just right oxygen level for survival of mankind and animal kingdom. The just right distance of the earth from the sun, the tilt, rotation and elliptical orbit around the sun to warm the earth evenly with a narrow range of temperatures. The influence of the moon on the earth to prevent the oceans of becoming stagnant, which in turn allows for life to exist in the sea. Water’s surface tension allows water to reach the top of the trees, to allow growth. Everything freezes from the bottom up, water from the top down, this allows for water animals to survive in the water. The highly complex informational code – DNA which proves the human body didn’t just come into being. These few facts shows that from the very inception, the universe had to be fine tuned to an incomprehensible precision for the existence of life like ours. Look at the complexity of the human body, how about the emotions of love, hate, joy and sadness. No human nor computer can create these. The above does show to this point in a very compelling way, that there has to be an intelligent designer. It had to be created by a Supernatural power to have been created so perfectly. They might find it hard to believe in something they can’t see. Which is a valid argument but not an impossibility. They do believe wind exists, gravity, love and none of these they can see. They believe in them because they can see its effect in their life. Therefore it is acceptable to reason that there is a Creator looking at the effect He has on creation. So, in a nutshell, there is a Creator, He has given us His Word to study and obey. Then we will understand His will for us. His will for us to be saved and serve Him always.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 08:41:46 +0000

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