Too many oddities and inconsistent so called facts about the Paris - TopicsExpress


Too many oddities and inconsistent so called facts about the Paris incident. And too many conclusions people are jumping to. False Flag comes to mind as more info comes forward from the media propaganda machine. Ramped up islamaphobia and retaliation style attacks on Muslims which will further the cycle of violence. The true question to be asked in these too often occurring situations is who is really benefitting from all this? Its surely not the Muslim community at large and furthers the crack down and oppression of the Muslim community globally and fueling the war machine. Im making no conclusions or assumptions but what I see is if the intended goal was to end the insulting of our beloved messenger then that failed miserably as the insults have and will only increase exponentially thus causing more slanders and insults and there is one thing I do know for sure, anything Muslims do should be with the wisdom of the outcome involved taken into account and in this case that failed miserably which leads me to believe this was the exact intent to ratchet up the anti Islamic sentiment yet again so be very careful of your words of attribution as a Muslim should only speak and act with wisdom as to what will bring the most benefit and in this current situation NO ONE I repeat NO ONE but the islamaphobes benefit from this. Condemning the cartoons is something Ive done since day one and have pasted below and the known penalty for doing so has always been a capital crime, but this event will not accomplish the goal of ending the slanders or insults but will produce the opposite results therefore condoning it will in return be another tool used against the average Muslim resulting in more abuse on our sisters and brothers mothers and fathers and therefore not wise in the least bit. May Allah protect this ummah and show truth for what it is and falsehood for what it is Yusha Evans
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 05:08:46 +0000

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