Too many of my fellow MINISTRY friends statuses reflecting this - TopicsExpress


Too many of my fellow MINISTRY friends statuses reflecting this tonight!!!! Very upsetting... but I hope these WISE words from my friend Ron--- the ... jus sayin.... man will ENCOURAGE YOU!!! No accurate thinker will judge another by that which the other persons enemies say about him or her., or for that matter, dont judge anyone on what someone else has to say -----true discernment can only come when YOU have all the facts!!! I might add that the man who slanders his fellowman unwittingly uncovers the real nature of his inner self!!! ,,jus sayin. . . . . ---------------------------------------- Absolutely!! And furthermore if someone is bad mouthing a Christian especially a leader, mentor, pastor or those who are called to ministry for the Lord -- it is usually out of spite, anger or jealousy--or it is a disgruntled person who has been TOLD the TRUTH and confronted Biblically about something they are doing .. and dont want to repent or admit they were WRONG to God or man.... (but if you are in the leadership position and being badmouthed or gossiped about-- take heart-- forgive and move on...God takes care of it, as long as you dont-- and it is usually not pretty) ( If you are in the gossip-- warning-- it is a dangerous game.) It takes a MATURE and yielded CHRISTIAN-- to repent and go and apologize to the leader for God over starting a slander campaign.. And on the other end---It also takes a MATURE growing CHRISTIAN to base their judgments on truly getting to know someone-- and not take anothers word and opinion of someone. I would have missed out on some AWESOME friends and opportunities for God, if I had ever gone on the opinions of others. Sometimes enemies pretend to be friends of the one they bad-mouth too...but the DISCERNING see right through it... Those yielded to the Holy Spirit are WISE, DISCERNING and MATURE in their choices. And again, God has their back. They are blessed in integrity and in honor-- they dont have struggle and strife coming and going, but peace, Joy and LOVE fills their life--regardless...
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 03:47:01 +0000

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