Too many people care more about the building holding the church - TopicsExpress


Too many people care more about the building holding the church than they do their own bodies. Maybe they dont realize when Jesus gave his life for us... the actual temple moved from a physical structure (built with human hands) to people (Built by God)... So Gods Holy Spirit can dwell with each of us, instead of a temple that only a select few had access too (the high priests). But do you think a HOLY spirit would dwell in a temple that the individual is keeping unclean inside and out? Let me ask it this way. The building you see as the church... what if the church decided to subject itself to all kinds of wordly things...had a strip club atmosphere... involved itself in the destruction of other people through words and actions... spray painted all kind of images outside of the building honoring folks babies, mommas, daddies, girlfriends, and boyfriends. And when you walked in the church it was dirty on the inside. Would you consider the church building a Holy place? No. In fact you would question whether that place is truly honoring God. So why would you place a standard on a temple built with human hands, but not your own body built without human hands? Especially when Jesus death and resurrection was the beginning of the Holy Spirit dwelling among each of us who would walk in the will of God. You see... the building is not the church... people are the church. And when they come together wherever... that is where the church is. You are the church... your body is the temple Jesus said he would rebuild in three days after the destruction of the man made temple upon his death. The resurrection transferred the dwelling place of Gods Holy Spirit to those who would follow Jesus (will of God) as they were reborn in the spirit. Reborn in the spirit allows for a Holy Spirit to dwell within you. We were dead in our sins... but the resurrection of Jesus gave us the opportunity to RESET and live for God with His Holy SPirit directing our path. Hold you... your body... the new temple Jesus referred to in John 2:19 and Mark 14:58.... to the same standard that you used to hold the actual building too now that you know the truth. When we hold on to the building... we are literally condemned because we are living under the law where we were condemned... not understanding the Grace factor and truly being reborn in the spirit. One who is reborn in the spirit will understand Gods language and will keep His temple clean inside and out. Those who dont understand Gods language will still look at the building as the Holy place even though Jesus said he was rebuilding a Temple not made with hands. Read John 2:19, Mark 14:58 Mark 14:58 King James Version (KJV) 58 We heard him say, I will destroy this temple that is made with hands, and within three days I will build another made without hands. John 2:19 King James Version (KJV) 19 Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 16:44:50 +0000

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