Too many people take to Facebook to discuss Muslims and Islam - TopicsExpress


Too many people take to Facebook to discuss Muslims and Islam (thinking they know it all) and I find it hard to get my head around their misconceptions. For those who think a large percentage of Muslims are evil, I really urge you to carefully consider where you get your information from. Most often people receive their info from mainstream media (which, ironically they dont trust on other issues), from second hand word of mouth/perceptions or from service in the military in countries weve been engaged. More people are in turn, informed by friends, social media, and others whose original assumptions were faulty at best, or worse, manipulated by somebody with an agenda. Its reasonable to ask how objective someones sources are. For example, thinking you understand Muslim countries because you fought against the Taliban is like saying you understand Christians because you arrested a KKK member! Im certainly not an Islamic scholar but I do understand the gap between the truth and observable reality is very very wide. I understand that, yes, there ARE Muslim terrorists, there ARE Muslim extremists. There are indeed crazy people in every religion. But logical people MUST use real numbers to support opinions - not a small number of incidents, not propaganda, not even wild news coverage... If we do this we see that yes Muslim terrorists do exist, as do Christian extremists like Anders Breivik who killed 40 people. We see the Protestant/Catholic struggles or Northern Ireland. We see Slobodan Milosevek who killed 100,000 people and we see the Lords Resistance Army of Uganda, who kill thousands in the name of their twisted version of Christianity. Using real numbers and stats we also see that the percentage of Muslims who engage in terrorist activities is so small it can hardly be statistically represented. People will read this and STILL ignore the stats and facts, but point to single events they may be aware of. Others will say things like, but they believe that.... - it says this in the Quran . I say, says who? Again, where do you get your information? This took me an age to type, but it really drives me insane seeing some of the drivel people post (largely for attention). Even if one person reads this, and gains a little more understanding or realisation, then it has been worth it. Finally, and of course, RIP to the Brit Alan Henning (and every other person who perishes in battle, regardless of nationality or religion).
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 20:24:38 +0000

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