Too often is the concept of a "United Earth Government" depicted - TopicsExpress


Too often is the concept of a "United Earth Government" depicted in film, fiction, novels etc, especially when the topic of space and space exploration, settlement are being discussed. Given that space is the final frontier which we all as dreamers strike towards, why then are we so hypocritical where we praise upon this idea when we see it in the media, when we read up on it in books and magazines, but turn the other cheek when we see our rivals and adversaries make strides for the better of their countries? Should we not be proud to see mankind progress? Why must we feel bitter seeing others develop? I sincerely call out to all those who hold greed in their hearts... If we expect ourselves to be the space faring race which we all envision to be one day, we must let go of the miniscule differences between cultures, and the pointless debates and arguments politicians of various countries hold.. One day, I wish to see mankind unite under a single governance, and I wish to see useless diplomacy between countries vanish... Till that day comes, we will never become an advanced, and civilized race.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 02:08:54 +0000

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