Too start off I will do a top 5 point guard list. Number 1 will be - TopicsExpress


Too start off I will do a top 5 point guard list. Number 1 will be the best obviously and 5 will be the 5th best. I just want to point out that I’m not doing it based on numbers like many NBA fans like to do, I am doing it like if I was taking the out of their own team, which team would suffer most. Top 5 Point guards: 5) Derrick Rose – So I already know what you’re thinking, Derrick Rose only the 5th best point guard in the league? Are you crazy? He is the youngest MVP in history and carried his team to a 60 win season (probably would been two 60 win seasons if the lock out happened). Trust me, I know and nobody wanted to see Rose come back and defeat the Heat last year in the playoffs more than what I did, however every other point guard in the league has had an extra season of playing in the toughest league in the world. They also didn’t have to come off a ACL injury, something that no doubts shorten careers. On top of this though, Rose has the ability to be number one on this list next year without a doubt. I just don’t want to put him to high because of his injury, but if anyone can overcome it, Rose can. 4) Kyrie Irving - It sucks that the point guard talent is so deep in the NBA because Kyrie is a beast and I hate to have to put him as number four. The former number one draft pick has showed that he is a force in this league and will be for years to come. Kyrie made a huge jump last season to stardom and proved his dominance in big games (41 points against New York, youngest player ever to score 40 at MSG). While he is still has to work hard on his defense to improve, it doesn’t stop him from being one of if not the best scoring point guard and young players in this league. 3) Russel Westbrook – I look at Russel Westbrooks injury last year as a blessing in disguise. For one the thunder weren’t going to stop Spurs or Miami to become the NBA champions so it just would have been another heartbreak and could’ve broken up the core but secondly it showed how important Russel is to this team. Nobody, absolutely nobody appreciated Russel because of the amount of shots he puts up (often more than Durant) and were saying they should’ve traded Russel instead of Harden. However last year in the playoffs without Westbrook the thunder went 3-6 and lost 3 last quarter leads to the Grizzlies and lost 2 games while being up with 1 minute 30 seconds left. If Russel was playing this wouldn’t of happened (it never had happened before). He may jack up a lot of shots but with someone of his speed and athleticism and also good shooting %, why wouldn’t you? If Russel comesback 100%, it’ll be hard to see the Thunder finishing lower than the Conference finals. I want to put him higher because I love Westbrook and I feel like I am the only one who does and the only one who thinks he deserves to be higher but I just can’t. Yet anyway. 2) Tony Parker – Ah TP. Just like the Spurs, Parker is one of the most underrated players in the league, let alone the history of the league. His awesome, unstoppable floater compliments his ridiculous speed but that’s not the only thing that makes him hard to guard. He has tremendous IQ and footwork as well as a good midrange game. Another stat that almost everyone wouldn’t know about is that TP is actually a decent 3 point shooter, he just doesn’t shoot it very much (and why would you when you can get to the ring whenever you want). He is just as much the reason why Spurs have been a force since Jesus was a baby than anybody else. Maybe the Spurs would’ve won the championship if Tony Parker didn’t get a severe hamstring strain in game 1 of the finals. I expect him to take the Spurs to another top 2 seed in the West. 1) Chris Paul – I have a very big love/hate relationship with CP3 atm. I love him because he is an awesome player and has a will to win that can only be matched by Kobe Bryant which I love more than anything. However, I hate him because he should be a Laker (damn you Stern!) and not a Clipper. All kidding aside Cp3 has it all. He can score, defend and pass. The ultimate point guard and is the reason why the Clippers will actually have a history in 50 years. If Paul wasn’t so much about winning then I reckon he would be averaging 24, 13 and 3 (Points, assists, steals) a game. His stats actually compare to Magic Johnsons, however lets let that debate slide and just watch Cp3 carry his team to a championship this year. Honourable mentions- Steph Curry- I) have followed this kid since his days at college and thought he should’ve been top five in 08. Last year finally showed the world what I have seen his whole career, hopefully injuries don’t ruin him. Rajon Rondo- Love Rondo, great defender, leader and passer however with a lack of a shooting game as well as a ACL tear, it’s hard to put him in the top 5. I am not doubting he could be there but we will just have to wait and see. Deron Williams – His post all star game stats were amazing and it lead to the Nets making it to a 5th seed, however I think Williams body isn’t quite what it needs to be for the NBA anymore and while he will still be very good, I think we will see a decline in his play for the remainder of his career.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 00:55:12 +0000

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