Took a bike ride and now my mine is somewhat clear. But I have - TopicsExpress


Took a bike ride and now my mine is somewhat clear. But I have done some research for my Hawaii Trip. So Im cutting out the Cruise and just gonna stay a full week in a Hotel on Honolulu. Theres so much I can do in a week. Like go see Pearl Harbor and go to Honolulu Zoo and take a Helicopter Ride and then whatever else I can do during the day. Now for the Night life well theres Everything you can think of. From Dinners with Shows to Bars to Midnight Swims. So now Im just gonna leave Florida the day after Thanksgiving and fly to Hawaii for a week or maybe up to 9 days. So my original plan for my birthday is still going to happen. That was at least be in Hawaii for my 32nd Birthday. I just know Ill have 1 Hell of a Great Trip To Hawaii.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 18:28:48 +0000

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