Top 10 Reasons I Now Believe in a JFK Conspiracy Theory 10) - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Reasons I Now Believe in a JFK Conspiracy Theory 10) Persuasive scientific tests on Lee Harvey Oswald’s cheek showed that he did not fire a rifle on Nov. 22, 1963. 9) Some 33 to 51 witnesses, including 21 police officers, heard shots coming from an area in front of the presidential motorcade usually described as a “grassy knoll,” behind which was a fence from which several eyewitnesses saw a “puff of smoke.” 8) Dallas police examined the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository and found that it was unusable — the scope could not sight without the addition of shims, and even then it didn’t shoot straight. 7) Several witnesses described suspicious characters behind the grassy knoll who identified themselves as Secret Service agents, and one had a Secret Service ID that convinced Dallas Police Officer Joseph Smith to put his pistol back in its holster — even though no real Secret Service agents were actually posted there. 6) Oswald, a damaged ex-Marine, pro-Soviet drifter who used to have marksmanship credentials, would have been the perfect patsy to frame for this crime — the CIA would know all about him, would see him as better off dead, and would have been in the best position to recruit him to be the fall guy in an assassination that needed a culprit. 5) Two days after the president was killed, the lone suspect was shot dead at point-blank range by a strip-club owner named Jack Ruby who at first claimed he wanted to save the first lady a trip to Dallas to testify in Oswald’s trial, but later reached out to now-President Lyndon Johnson, suggesting that he was about to die and that knowledge of this conspiracy would die with him. 4) The “lone gunman” theory relies on implausible stretches of credulity and coincidence: that the lone crackpot Lee Harvey Oswald, all by himself, got it in his head to kill the president — and two days later the lone crackpot Jack Ruby, all by himself, got it in his head to kill the assassin. 3) JFK “conspiracy theorists,” often labeled crazy, are in fact supporters of the obvious conclusion that the crime of the century — the assassination of the most powerful man in the world, unsolved to this day — was the work of a cabal of experienced assassins. 2) E. Howard Hunt, a longtime CIA agent and Watergate “plumber,” revealed on his deathbed that the assassination of JFK was a CIA operation, and he identified multiple conspirators by name. 1) The Zapruder film (look it up: youtube/watch?v=kq1PbgeBoQ4) shows that after Kennedy was shot through the back of the neck from the rear, he was killed with a perfectly aimed shot from the front, which made his head snap violently backward. Lone gunman? Get your own tinfoil hat. Im not feeling the need for one.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 05:54:37 +0000

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