Top 10 Things you’ll never hear an Architect Architects are - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Things you’ll never hear an Architect Architects are cliché and are easily defined by stereotypes. Everyone knows it – even the client – so there is no sense in fighting it. See if you have ever said any of the following things: . . 1) I’ll be home early tonight 2) I really should add some black clothing to my wardrobe, I wear too much color 3) Everything is going perfectly on your project 4) Your building is ahead of schedule and under budget 5) This will be my second vacation this year 6) You should listen to the contractor – he has fantastic design ideas 7) You have way too much money budgeted for this project 8 ) I learned everything I ever needed to know in college 9) I didn’t spend enough time in school 10) Designing that project was super easy, took almost no time at all 11) I can’t believe they pay me this much for so little work 12) I’m not much of a book reader 13) Just cut that tree down, there are plenty of trees all over this neighborhood 14) That’s okay, nobody will notice it besides me so you can leave it that way 15) I’ve never been wrong but you can just add a lamp later if you think it will be dark 16) I think I will get the eyeglasses with the silver frames, you’ll hardly notice them on my face 17) I am going to reduce my fees since this project is so straight forward 18) They are hiring me for my artistic abilities and don’t care how much it costs 19) At this rate, I’ll be able to retire by the time I’m 50 years old 20) I get to spend most of the fee actually designing the project 21) It’s having all the groupies that makes being an architect so rewarding 22) There should really be more codes to govern this 23) Most Planning and Zoning Departments have really got it all figured out 24) Which car should I drive to work today 25) I don’t think there is enough glass block in this project – work in some more 26) The idea of living in a house I designed sounds terrible 27) I think we should pull in some more consultants and get their opinion 28) Speculative development is the best because you can do whatever you want 29) I hate talking about architecture, I work on that crap all day 30) I don’t see ‘Zombies’ on your programming requirements . Do you think I missed any? Add them in the comment section - (By the way, if for some reason this post resonates with you, you might also enjoy ‘When you are an Architect…‘ I put together back in January)
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 22:03:40 +0000

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