Top 11 harms and lies of The Obamacare disaster 1. Obama said - TopicsExpress


Top 11 harms and lies of The Obamacare disaster 1. Obama said it would cost $900B. It will cost 3x 2.7 Trillion on top of Obama doubling US gross deficit all by himself after 250 years of US history theblaze/.../estimated-cost-of-obamacare.../ 2. Obama said you could keep your plan period. Obviously he lied for 2 years patdollard/.../barbara-boxer-joins-obamacare.../ 3. Obama said you could keep your doctor. Obviously he lied for 2 years. swampland.time/.../you-can-keep-your-doctor.../ 4. Obama’s rationale said it would end uninsured. CBO says there will still be 30 million uninsured. 5. Obama corruption-gave website task and $600 Million to failed Canadian company with no bidding because exec was Michele’s classmate in college. dailycaller/.../michelle-obamas-princeton.../ 6. Obama forcing 100 million to give up freely chosen health policies they like newsmax/.../obamacare.../2013/11/20/id/537797 7. Obamacare exacerbate doctor shortage for all 300 million Americans cnn/.../02/health/obamacare-doctor-shortage/ 8. Obamamcare causing millions to lose jobs because companies don’t want to reach threshold of 50 full time employees at 32 hours of work per week tpnn/obama-lies-again-says-obamacare-has.../ 9. Obama promised families would dave $2500 on the change in policies. Almost everyone will pay hugely MORE, not LESS thedailybeast/.../the-obamacare-ripoff... 10. Spent much much more money to build website, 42 months, doesnt work, takes tiny % of what Facebook can handle and totally insecure with your personal data. Liberals-big government is least efficient, poorest way to do anything. frontpagemag/.../healthcare-gov-has-25.../ 11. Medicaid expansion will bankrupt states and offer horrible care Watch the employers, because if they start dumping people into … Medicaid – and the doctors then say, the burdens are too high and the reimbursement is too low; were not seeing Medicaid patients – then all hell is going to break loose,
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:45:29 +0000

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