Top 12 things I am sick of seeing on the Internet- a suggested - TopicsExpress


Top 12 things I am sick of seeing on the Internet- a suggested post Good Morning everyone! I am not sure if I am just getting old and am being passed by the times, but I tired of the following trying to steal my attention. #top12thingsiamsickofseeingontheinternet 1. Top 10, 5, 3 or whatever lists- just by saying “top whatever list” you’re messing with my curiosity. Yes, the top coolest blah blah was cool, but I already forgot most of the list and lost 15 minutes of my life. 2. Hashtags- who cares @hashtags #hashtagsareannoyingandclutterposts 3. Cat pictures- yes, cat lady, I think cats are cute too, but I don’t need to see your cat jump off something and into a box chasing a laser pointer. 4. Good morning/ good night wall posts- not sure if you’re posting this because you’re lonely, have nothing interesting to post or both + desperation. 5. Facebook “suggested pages” Touché Facebook for tricking me into looking at some advertisements! 6. Youtube Fan Trailers: Either you’re a huge troll (which is funny) or a big D-Bag for posting your fan trailer as the “Official Movie I really want to see Trailer”. 7. Poorly made Meme: was it just an inside joke or do you just want to ruin a good thing? 8. Stop changing your profile picture every 5 minutes. (Please see comments on Good morning/ good night wall posts 9. Stop trying to be insightful or posting pissy advice about what to do or not to do (because no one really cares): Not sure about the context of your posts, but all I see is blah blah blah blah (translation: I wish I was important) 10. Instagram food pictures. Thanks, now I am hungry. Please refer to Good morning/ good night wall posts 11. What’s ‘trending’ recommendations: who cares @What’sTrending #hashtagsareannoyingandclutterposts 12. Grammar and Spelling Nazi’s: Wow, you found a typo! Good job! (Please see comments on Good morning/ good night wall posts
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 19:44:13 +0000

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