Top 29 crazy thoughts for the Biltmore half marathon including a - TopicsExpress


Top 29 crazy thoughts for the Biltmore half marathon including a ride in a police vehicle *words are the edited G/PG version **first of three half marathons over next 5 weeks. 1: A 7:30 start time. Geeze its still dark, so early & raining. Whos idea was this?!? 2: My race number is 700 why couldnt have been 007, that would have been way cooler. 3: Why are we at the front of the start line? Im going to get run over. 4: And here we go...starting downhill: awesome! On dirt & wet gravel & theres a raised manhole cover: not awesome! 5: So I guess when the weatherman says 100% chance of rain it means that it IS going to rain, a lot. 6: Oh, look at this hill on the first mile. Im not that far from our hotel, right?!? 7: Hey, where did all the runners go? Wait, there are still runners behind me, but not many. 8: Hey Long Legs Magee (80+ yo woman) are you racing me? Dont make me channel my inner Tonya Harding. 9: What...another monster hill? *shoot. I can do this. 10: Nope, no I cannot run up this hill/mountain. Walking IS ok. 11: Umm, are we ever going to reach the top? *fuuuuuudge 12: Well, they did say they were cutting of the half at 3hr 30 min. Outlook not so good. 13: I made it to the top!! And theres a restaurant. Wonder if theyre serving breakfast? 14: Downhill: woopwoop!! 15: Who is the official on the bicycle? Runner Sweep? I guess hell sweep me off the path like a dead animal if I dont make it. 16: Another *gosh darn hill. I didnt think that we could get any higher. 17: Mile 6: I made it to the Biltmore mansion! They wont notice if I go lay down for a minute in one of their beds. 18: Oh my goodness look at all these tulips coming up. Wonder how long it took to plant those bulbs. 19: Downhill woohoo! On slick wet pavement: yikes! Dont slide off into creek. My phone will get wet, GPS will stop working & theyll never find me. 20: Fantastic, more wet dirt & gravel to run on. 21: And horse *manure! Yup just stepped in it. So much for the new shoes. 22: Hey, theres the marathon winner hes at mile 23 & Im just at 9! Holy *heck hes fast & running like a gazelle. 23: Best sign: on overpass Hospital/ trauma center Exit 50 good to know theres one thats close. This race is hard core! 24: Pandora you are testing me: first a White Castle commercial at mile 7 & decide I dont need music from mile 8-10? 25: Most awesome volunteer: 8 yo boy handing out water with enthusiasm youre doing great! keep it up! You can do this! I asked if I he could join me for the last 4 miles. 26: Hey, whys that marathoner smiling & excited to see me? He wants a high-five. Hmm nice smile....wait, its Timmy! (So glad I was running & looking strong) 27: Mile 11-12.5: Um I didnt sign up for a mud run! Whoa, I just about slipped. Time to walk. 28: So, rain resistant is so different than water proof, yet itll collect ice cold rain INSIDE the jacket. 29: And Im done!!!! Thank goodness I made it. Please let there be doughnuts at the food tent! Wait, did she just wrap me in a warm cozy fleece blanket? Awesome!! ***Best part of the entire run: When Chris, a Biltmore police officer, stop Tim & I as we were about to ascend the LONG steep hill to the hotel and offer us a ride in his warm, dry explorer.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:56:15 +0000

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