Top 3 Olive Oil Health and Beauty Benefits Food-lovers have - TopicsExpress


Top 3 Olive Oil Health and Beauty Benefits Food-lovers have never entirely forgotten the delightful golden fluid, but in recent years, a new awareness of the benefits of olive oil has been born. Science has turned its investigative eye upon it in recent years, and numerous studies have only reinforced the notion that olive oil is an amazing substance with numerous benefits. Here are the 101 olive oil benefits we came up with. A. Health Benefits 1. Heart disease- Olive oil lowers the levels of total blood cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides. At the same time it does not alter the levels of HDL-cholesterol (and may even raise them), which plays a protective role and prevents the formation of fatty patches, thus stimulating the elimination of the low-density lipoproteins. This could also make your arteries elastic. Two tablespoons daily makes you more resistant to strokes and heart attack. 2. Osteoporosis – A high consumption of olive oil appears to improve bone mineralization and calcification. It helps calcium absorption and so plays an important role in aiding sufferers and in preventing the onset of Osteoporosis. 3. Diabetes - It has been demonstrated that a diet that is rich in olive oil, low in saturated fats, moderately rich in carbohydrates and soluble fiber from fruit, vegetables, pulses and grains is the most effective approach for diabetics. It helps lower “bad” low-density lipoproteins while improving blood sugar control and enhances insulin sensitivity. B. Beauty Benefits: 1. Improve skin – Although it sounds counterintuitive to use oil to fight pimples and blackheads, using an olive oil and salt scrub helps some types of acne. Olive oil is good for moisturising the skin. If you have dry skin, massage it well in your skin, not just face but the whole body and get a glow in no time. Areas like elbow and knee get too dry and massaging them with it will lock in the moisture for longer. By massaging this oil, you can improve the elasticity of the skin and its regenerative properties will help heal the affected skin. This will not let to the formation of new stretch marks and may also lighten the present ones slightly 2. Moisturizes hair and scalp – If you suffer from problems like dry, flaky scald or dandruff , switching to olive oil is a good idea. Massage it with your fingertips in circular motion and then on the tips to get shiner hair. It is very light and does not make your hair too greasy. Applying it weekly once and then washing your hair after 30 minutes of application will give you good results. People who have frizzy hair or split ends can massage their locks with lightly warmed olive oil. Remember, don’t heat the oil too much as olive oil loses its properties at high temperatures. One can even use it in combination with egg to add volume and shine to their mane. 3. Minimize cellulite – The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective to mitigate the appearance of cellulite in the short term. As a stimulant, the caffeine in coffee dilates blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissue. Plus it increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which may also help smooth the rumpled look of cellulite. The antioxidants in coffee may help to release toxins, which is not only helpful for cellulite, but for healthy skin in general. Mix used coffee grounds with olive oil for a topical cellulite treatment. Apply it directly to the skin. https://facebook/groups/Health4Humanity.ICBC/ H.E. Mahbub-E-Khoda Rumi, ICBC Ambassador & Health4Humanity Activist, IFBC Bangladesh Blue Crescent Society.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:46:28 +0000

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