Top 5 Reasons to Take an Epsom Salt Bath by DR. STEVEN YEN Trust - TopicsExpress


Top 5 Reasons to Take an Epsom Salt Bath by DR. STEVEN YEN Trust me on this – When you add epsom salt to a warm bath there are amazing health benefits. Epsom salts are a natural wonder; they can be used for everything from removing splinters to keeping your lawn green. This compound of magnesium and sulfate (they aren’t really salts) has long been a staple of natural healing and rightly so. As a spoonie, you’ll probably be more interested in hearing the health and relaxation benefits of epsom salt… Here are just a select few benefits of taking an epsom salt bath if you’re experiencing pain: Stress Relief: When you are experiencing pain and frustration, stress can be an unwelcome companion; however, note that when you are stressed out, your body actually loses something important – Magnesium. When you soak in an epsom salt bath, your body absorbs the magnesium and that helps to produce serotonin. Serotonin is important because it relaxes your body and also enhances your mood. Alkalizing Your Body: Science has proven that your body’s functions work best between a pH of 7.36-7.44. Outside of that pH level, your body will not work PROPERLY. Due to a poor diet, (soda being the BIGGEST culprit here) your body gets way too acidic. The scary part about this is that when a body gets too acidic, it will actually become sick and will slowly deteriorate. By soaking in epsom salts, you are able to alkalize your body and help restore your body to a healthy pH level. Inflammation Reduction: We all know the benefits of reducing inflammation! This is one of the BIGGEST problems that people with fibromyalgia suffer from because inflammation = PAIN! Simply by relaxing in an epsom salt bath, you can reduce inflammation and relieve pain. It doesn’t get much easier than that when it comes to putting the fire out inside of your body. Also, epsom salt helps regulate the electrolytes in your body and this helps your muscles and nerves function properly. Detoxification: No matter how careful we are, our bodies are exposed to environmental toxins. Exposure to these toxins can cause a host of problems including migraines, allergies, and inflammation. By soaking in a warm epsom salt bath for just 10 minutes a week, you can help your body rid itself of heavy metals and other toxic elements. Looking and Feeling Good: An epsom salt bath can help treat acne, dry skin, and even limp hair! Rather than using costly bath and beauty products, add epsom salt to your bath to keep your skin glowing without any harmful chemicals. Let’s face it, when you look good then you feel good! It’s incredible that something so simple can do so much! Everyone should take some time out every week for a good soak – Believe me, I do! Although it is quicker and easier to take a shower, a bath can do so much more for you. Don’t see a bath as a luxury… See it as a way to recharge and refresh!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 00:49:57 +0000

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