Top 5 Reasons why Living in Saudi Arabia is great! By: Mandi - TopicsExpress


Top 5 Reasons why Living in Saudi Arabia is great! By: Mandi Lynn Im sure Im not the first Western expat whos ever gotten the stink eye when I mention that I live in Saudi Arabia. When I meet someone new and tell them where Ive chosen to live, the conversation goes a something like this: Them: You live where?! Me: Yeah, Saudi Arabia. Its in the Middle East. Them: Ohhh, so youre in the Service? Me: No. Them: Your husbands in the Service? Me: No, I married a local. Them: ....awkward silence... Next Im hit with a barrage of questions fueled by what they saw on the nightly news including (but not limited to): Do you have to wear a burka? Is it hot over there? Whats it like with the war going on? Are the men really in charge of their women? Is it true you cant drive? After the questions come the statements: You must be crazy to live there. Id never live in a place like that. You should run away. God bless America. Etc, etc, etc. Im not going to deny that life in Saudi Arabia is vastly different from the life I lived in the United States. Im not even going to make excuses for the annoyances and inconveniences I face here as a woman. But all things considered, I would like to let the rest of the world know that when approached with an open mind and sense of adventure, life in Saudi Arabia can be pretty great! Here are my top 5 reasons why! 1. The Money - Most Western expats come to Saudi Arabia for one reason: Money. Landing a position here as an experienced and educated professional typically comes with perks that jobs back home dont offer. Generous tax-free salaries, luxurious housing, paid education for your children, free tickets back home, and the minimum standard of 30 days paid vacation are all benefits offered to Western expats. The cost of living here is pretty reasonable as well, and considering that for most expats, housing and transportation are a part of their salary packages, very little money needs to be spent to live here. We all know gasoline is cheap (cheaper than water actually), but you may be surprised to know that food, entertainment, and shopping are also affordable. 2. Travel and Tourism - The Middle East has several famous tourist destinations, but the word tourism probably doesnt spring to mind when one thinks of Saudi Arabia. It doesnt have a booming tourist industry like other countries in the Middle East, and its nearly impossible to come for leisure purposes unless you already have family here to sponsor you, so being able to take advantage of the rich cultural history that the Kingdom has to offer is one of the benefits of living here. Of course there are Mecca and Medina, the countrys two holy cities, which are on the top of the list for Muslim expats, but there are several other sites worth seeing as well. Diriya, the original home of the Al Saud family, offers a look into what life was like when the Kingdom was first born. Madain Saleh, an ancient city of buildings carved into cliffs, similar to Petra, is a look back in time to the countrys pre-Islamic history. Saudi Arabia also offers spectacular scenery when you venture out into the deserts beyond Riyadh, the mountains of Abha, or the beaches along the coast of the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. 3. Food - Ive never found a place outside of the Middle East where you can get quality Middle Eastern food. And further, there is no place outside of Saudi Arabia where you can get quality Saudi food. So if youve not visited, you have no idea what youre missing! The national dish of Saudi Arabia is Kabsa, a dish of rice with meat or chicken served on a huge platter. Traditionally it is served on the floor with everyone sitting around the platter, taking rice and meat with their hands. The experience is offered not only in homes here, but also in traditional restaurants. Its an experience that you probably wont find anywhere else, and one youll miss when you leave. 4. Diversity - Growing up in a small town in midwestern America, I thought diversity meant that white kids and black kids attended my school in equal numbers. Today my world has been expanded beyond anything my small-town mind could have imagined several years ago. I have made friends with people from all corners of the globe, from countries I had probably never heard of before coming here. Riyadh, the countrys capitol and my home away from home, has a mostly foreign population. People come here from all over the world to earn a living and to build lives. If youre bringing your family and children with you to Saudi Arabia to live, this is a great place to teach your family about differing cultures and ways of life. 5. Crazy stories to tell back home - Ok, Im grasping at straws a little here. But seriously, my family and friends never tire of hearing about my adventures and experiences. And I never get tired of having them. How many times in your home town have you spotted a camel or a flock of sheep in the back of a pickup truck? Exactly. Every day is a new adventure here. New people to meet, new languages to learn, new foods to try. Even the challenges I face while living here end up becoming funny little tales to write about. Never in a million years did I imagine my life would lead me to a living in Saudi Arabia, but at times Im glad it did. Life here has opened my eyes to the magnificence that lies beyond my bubble of comfort and familiarity back home. Stepping outside that comfort zone and living in Saudi Arabia has ignited a passion for travel and adventure that I wouldnt have known I had otherwise. I encourage anyone whos ever given the opportunity to travel or work here to jump at the chance. See what could potentially be on your list of reasons why life in Saudi Arabia could be your best life yet!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 05:55:24 +0000

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