Top 5 Ways To Confidently And Successfully Approach Any Woman You - TopicsExpress


Top 5 Ways To Confidently And Successfully Approach Any Woman You Fancy 1.The first thing you need to know as far as getting a babe is concerned, is that you CAN actually get dates at will. You dont have to see it as a very difficult task, or be afraid shes going to turn you down. Women actually like and enjoy the fact that you walk up and talk to them. It excites them, flatters them, and makes them feel good. Dont ever think a girl would be upset or be rude to you just because you want to talk to her. Now, one of the reasons why you cant successfully get dates at will could be because you are afraid *.of what to say *.of what she might think of you *.shes not going to give you attention *.shes not going to accept to date you *.people around would be watching and think something of you But truth is...the girl is also conscious of herself and wants to put up a good showing, especially if you present yourself as confident and deserving respect. So you act confident by walking up bold. Remove every other thought from your mind for now.Your mission is get the girls attention... casually! AND any woman likes it when a man GENUINELY says nice things to her. 2.Dont be desperate to get her phone number. Most guys, in a bid to get done with the seemingly awkward scenario, just want to grab her phone number. If you are desperate to get her number, one of two things could happen... *.She reads through you, and tells you point blank she cant release her phone number or gives an excuse about her phone being bad. *.She pretends to be nice, and gives you a wrong number. She could even give you the right number, but since youve not impressed her, she doesnt pick your calls or tells her friend to tell you to stop calling that line. So heres the strategy... DONT ask for her phone number! You can discuss anything, but dont make her give you her number. She wouldnt. What she wants to see is that you are genuinely interested in her. If you strike up a nice decent conversation that makes her smile a couple of times, you can officially ask for her phone number ONLY... when either of you is about to leave the scene. 3.Act like you are interested in her, and not in wanting to date her. You cant just meet a girl and ask her to be your girlfried. Doesnt work that way. Even if she likes you, shed feel embarassed and the best youd get would be a polite NO. What you want to do is show genuine interest in her and whatever she might be doing at the moment. Whatever it is she is doing at the moment, find out more about it. Ask her questions and throw in some meaningful suggestions as well. For the period of time you spend within the first encounter,make it seem like you were the only friend she had in the world. And heres one great secret...women like to talk about themselves! You can get them to open up and share their world with you if you pay attention to the things she does and says, and ask interesting questions. You are a business woman... wow! Thats interesting... So how did you get into business? And heres another important point...the more you get her to talk about herself, the lesser the pressure on you. Its like you are the bolder party, asking all the questions. But you dont need to over-do this. As she answers, try to share your own personal experiences. It bonds her to you faster. 4.Be as natural as you can be. Approach her naturally, anddont ever try to be something you arent.If you can make do with passable English, go with it. Dont try to speak big big grammar. Youd only be making a fool of yourself. Being yourself makes you confident and win her attention more. If you try to act like what you are not, shes going to notice that you are uncomfortable with yourself. She would assume you are a liar and turn you off. Do the things that come natural to you, and you would have no problems approaching, talking up, and even asking for a date. Speak to her with a high degree of respect... politely, positively and genuinely. 5.Get your timing right. From when you first spot her, its important you time things correctly, else you might bungle up things. Make sure you approach her within reasonable time.Dont keep thinking... Do I go now, or do I wait a little more? You can quickly turn into a stalker if you keep staring at her repeatedly. And you know what happens when she sees you as trying to ambush her? It kills your game. There you go...try out those tips and youd never have a hard time approaching and asking a woman out. #Aseoluwa#
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 07:14:49 +0000

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