Top 6 Best Films I Watched This Year, continued... #2. The Raid 2 - TopicsExpress


Top 6 Best Films I Watched This Year, continued... #2. The Raid 2 (2014) So, we go from the shortest film on my list to my longest, at 2 and a half hours long! But boy is it worth it! I have to say, going into this year, before I knew movies like Godzilla, Guardians of the Galaxy, Edge of Tomorrow, and others were coming out, this was my most anticipated movie of the year. I am a huge fan of the original film, The Raid (or The Raid: Redemption over here in the US, I just call it The Raid), so I was excited about the fact that there was a sequel coming out. I have to say, this movie shows exactly how a sequel should be done, still have some of what made the original good, but do something new while going bigger and better. This was a completely new film from the first one, but it kept the high-energy fight scenes, talented actors, and tension that worked in the original film. Only this time, theres a lot more of a story involved, which Ive heard some people say has elements of The Departed, The Godfather, and so on. And theres also car chases, even more awesome characters, more emotion tied to a good number of the characters, and more places that the first one didnt bother going in. I heard that Gareth Evans (NOT Gareth EDWARDS, who did Godzilla 2014) originally wanted to make this film first, but didnt because he didnt have the funds, so he made the first Raid first and made this one with the funds he got from that. So this film is a passion project many years in the making. Im so happy it turned out so well. Heck, it kept me thoroughly entertained and excited for 2 and a half hours straight, with each fight scene getting better and better! If youre a fan of action films, this film is perfect for you. Nothing more to say other than Get ready, its a wild ride...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 03:11:45 +0000

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