Top 8 Symptoms of Diabetes and its Remedies Diabetes is a - TopicsExpress


Top 8 Symptoms of Diabetes and its Remedies Diabetes is a health condition in a person that occurs when body is not able to utilize the hormone insulin properly. Today, diabetes is one of the most common diseases prevailing in the lifestyle of every strata of society. Commonly there are two types of diabetes called Type1 and Type 2 diabetes of which type 2 diabetes is the most common and prevailing in abundance today. Most of the people suffering from diabetes are unaware of the fact that they are a victim of this disease due to lack of information and knowledge of the signs and symptoms of the diseases. The symptoms of diabetes are very common and can easily be diagnosed, if you are aware of the symptoms of diabetes. Here are some common symptoms that can help you to diagnose the disease in its early stage and prevent it from being fatal. Unusual increase of thirst and urination: One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is an urge of excessive thirst and frequent urination. This condition arises due to excessive secretion of fluids by the kidney that makes the body dehydrated, leading to a yearning for the essential amount of fluid in the body. Abnormal increase in appetite: In a diabetic state the insulin level in the blood is not normal and thus the body cells are not able to get essential amount of energy to perform daily activities resulting in unusual hunger in order to fulfill the lack of energy. Sudden loss in weight: An abnormal deviation in the weight is observed without any effort if one is suffering from diabetes. This is due to inability of body to absorb glucose and frequent urination. Mental exertion or Fatigue: Due to inability of glucose to enter the body cells due to diabetes, there is lack of supply of energy in the body leading to irritation and tiredness in the patient. Slow rate of healing wounds: It takes a long time for a patient suffering from diabetes to heal even a minor wound due to weak immune system. This can be commonly observed in case of bladder and vaginal infections in woman. Blurry vision: Due to abnormal increase in the levels of glucose, the blood vessels gets damaged and thus pulling out the fluid from the lenses of the eyes resulting in blurred vision or sometimes even blindness if ignored. Dryness of skin: Due to peripheral neuropathy, the circulation and proper functioning of sweat gland is hampered resulting in dry and itchy skin. Tingling or Numbness in Hands, Legs or Feet: Due to increase in the sugar level of blood the body, the blood vessels and gets damaged leading to loss of sensation in hands and feet. In addition to that, there is a burning sensation in the arms, hands, legs and feet due to loss of motor nerve fiber. Remedies for Diabetes Though, there is no any absolute cure for diabetes type 1 and type 2, the most common ones but it is very essential to control the sugar level for proper diabetes management. Here are some effective remedies that can help you to maintain the sugar level in the body and avoid the further complications of diabetes: In case of type 1diabetes, it is required to stick to a calculated diet, planned physical activity and daily insulin injections and blood glucose testing. In case of type 2 diabetes, things to be kept in mind are diet control, exercise, daily blood glucose testing, and oral medication and insulin in some cases. A tea made with kidney beans, white beans, navy beans, lima beans, and northern beans is known to remove the toxins from the pancreas and helps to control diabetes. Consumption of Garlic and onion capsules it helps in the circulation and regulation of sugar level in the body. Avoid the consumption of inorganic salts as far as possible. Consumption of sucrose should be completely avoided. Non-vegetarian food should be avoided as it contains large amount of fat. You can include Bitter gourd (karela), Fenugreek (methi) and Indian blackberry (jamun), Flaxseed in your diet, as they are very useful in case of diabetes.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:34:32 +0000

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