Top Five Friday - thinking cap time, answers coming at 8:00pm Top - TopicsExpress


Top Five Friday - thinking cap time, answers coming at 8:00pm Top 5 Things Said About Niagara Falls Who said this about the Falls? Match the speaker to the speech. 1. “I wish I could describe the cataract as it is, its beauty and awful grandeur, and the fearful and irresistible plunge of its water over the brow of the precipice. One feels helpless and overwhelmed in the presence of such a vast force.” 2. “The fall itself is the grandest sight imaginable.... The prodigious spray which arises from the foam at the bottom of the fall adds grandeur to the scene which is wonderfully fine.” 3. “Great God! How could any man be disappointed in this!” 4. “The roar of those waters is like the roar when the mighty wave democracy breaks on the shores where kings lie couched at ease.” 5. “When Columbus first sought this continent, when Christ suffered on the cross, when Moses led Israel through the Red Sea, nay, even when Adam first came from the hand of his maker, then as now, Niagara was roaring here.” A. Abraham Lincoln, 1848 B. Charles Dickens, 1842 C. Elizabeth Simcoe, 1792 D. Helen Keller, 1893 E. Oscar Wilde, 1882
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 21:08:08 +0000

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