Top REASONS Why People should attend the 3RD CEBU FILM MARKET & - TopicsExpress


Top REASONS Why People should attend the 3RD CEBU FILM MARKET & BROADCAST EXPO (CFMBx) this August 25-26, 2014 at WATERFRONT HOTEL, CEBU CITY This years Cebu Film Market is the Best edition weve had so far with impressive directory of confirmed expo participants coming from a wide variety of expertise. As of this moment, I am neck deep in sending massive text, social media and emails to everyone for CIDFF events, as well as the Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo. CIDFF has worked so hard to get this market going since year 1 and finally, in just 3 years note, THREE (3) years, we are able to gather a serious network of film industry enthusiasts and largely influential film industry stakeholders in Cebu! Our confirmed market attendees are to be sought for. With multiple seminars and workshops offered by professional instructors with more than 20 years of experience in teaching film, cinema, and film production to a wide variety of international audience, and enthusiastic film professionals from across the globe, missing CFMBx will certainly be a huge loss to anyone who wish to be part of Cebus Film Industry. For those who are still on the fence or are still doubting if its worth going into, heres the top 5 reasons I have heard why people are not coming to the 3rd Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo. 1. Film Market in Cebu? Really? Is there really a film market in Cebu? As far as I know, everything I need are all in Manila. I get it, youve been around the Philippines and your film may have traveled abroad, and you think that you have met all the important stakeholders in the Philippines and they are all in Manila. Granting that its true, why only in Manila? Shouldnt the opportunity extend throughout the country? Thats what we aim to do with Cebu Film Market. When you say Film Industry, that would mean theres an opportunity to buy and sell films on a regular basis where you dont have to scrape at the bottom of the pit to search for this information. Having a film industry would mean that everyone you ask about such an industry will know that the film industry is not limited to ticket sales in the theaters only. A film industry would mean that theres already a system of underwriting for buying, selling, and distribution of films,or that information about corresponding tax laws for film production companies can easily be made available to investors and not for investors to wonder why there arent many known investors that they know of who are producing films. A film industry would mean there are opportunities for film festival distribution both local and foreign, for screenings, for exhibition, for co-productions and many more. This would mean there are bank financing structures, insurance and bonding i.e. life and non life, and so many more. This would also mean, there are legal firms specializing in underwriting sales contracts, distribution contracts for local and international distribution, covering specific territories and so many more. Does that sound familiar to you? If not, then I highly suggest you invest a little bit of your time and money in attending the 3rd Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo. CIDFF has worked so hard in the past three (3) years to be able to bring experts in the global film industry to come to Cebu for all Filipino filmmakers and other industry professionals interested in investing in Cebus Film Industry. CFMBx may be small but each participant is carefully selected and matched. If you are invited, it means we believe you will benefit from it. If not, it means we are not aware of your interest in Cebus Film Industry. If you are interested, please let us know as you can trust we will make the time to visit you and will be more than glad to discuss Cebu Film Market in as much detail as you would like. But you have to hurry since the Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo is in two weeks! In order to effectively match you to your preferred contacts, we need to get all your information i.e. wishlist, preferences, objectives, etc. as soon as possible! 2. RSVP? Cant you just give me the profile of those who are attending? I dont have the time. Im very busy. I get it, you are busy. But so are these people who are taking the time to endure more than 24 hour flight from the US, UK, Spain, and many more so they can join our 3rd Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo. If they find it worthwhile enough to exchange their vacation days and spend $$$ to fly to Cebu, why cant you make time to support Cebus very own film market created for one purpose alone: to help you, the Filmmaker, and our City as well as our countrys very own stakeholders-- our tourism industry! As mentioned, each participant are carefully selected and matched. This would also mean they have given CIDFF their trust and confidence that their information are treated with utmost value and respect. We will only disclose their information to those who also invested as much as them in making the 3rd Cebu Film Market a worthwhile film market to go to. 3. I cant afford it. Its too expensive. Trust me, I know how it is to be a Cebuano. We love Champagne with the price of Beer. So let me set things straight, the fee of the market is equivalent to a Tuba (Coconut Wine) that you get almost free if you are near a coconut tree. It is important to note that Cebu International Documentary Film Festival is a non profit organization and our sole purpose of being is to create a platform for Cebuano filmmakers to promote their film to the rest of the world and to give the rest of the world access to the Philippines film market through Cebu. All revenues raised are 100% dedicated to sustain CIDFFs annual film festival while also utilizing its limited resources to contribute in the development of Cebus Film Industry. Do note that the registration fee of 3,500 pesos (thats less than $76) entitles you to daily snacks am/pm, lunch at a 4-star hotel (Waterfront Hotel), free pitching and film production seminars that would cost you a minimum of 20,000 pesos to $1000 or more if you were to enroll in such a course outside the market, and many more additional freebies and prizes to win! This also gives you the opportunity to network with our very own enthusiastic stakeholders and consultants that we invited, who are willing to share information with you and give you an idea of what takes place in the global film market. This also entitles you access to premier market screenings of films that has never been screened in other parts of Asia, and definitely not yet screened in Manila too. Plus, you have unlimited access to all Festival Screenings from August 27-30, 2014 selected from more than 50 film submissions coming from more than 20 countries worldwide. Once again, most of them are Asian Premiers that only chose Cebu International Documentary Film Festival to promote their film in Asia. I would like to specially highlight that CIDFFs Cebu Film Market & Broadcast Expo is an extension of Cebu Chamber of Commerces Cebu Business Month, and CIDFF have their unanimous support in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry! 4. I dont need it. I know this stuff already. Ok, so you may know a lot of things but I also know that there are many things you dont know that you are not aware that you dont know of. If you attend Cebu Film Market, you are giving yourself the opportunity to be challenged on what you do know, and allows you to see things from a different perspective and may possibly shift your opinion over biases you already have from previous experience about this kind of event and/or activity. Our consultant and other market attendees are sought after in the global film market. As you know, CIDFF is also competing with one of the worlds largest and most important film festival, the 71st Venice International Film Festival yet they choose to be in Cebu!!! Doesnt that make you wonder why they are choosing to come to Cebu instead of Venice at this time of the year? Think about that! 5. I will do this next time or Ill just travel abroad and attend these foreign film festivals you are talking about Strike while the iron is hot! If you start now, you get to position your company as early as now! How many 3rd edition Film Markets do you know of in the world? Its always better to position yourself at the beginning than at the tail end. You never know whats going to happen next and if such an opportunity will come by again. Remember: You Snooze, You Lose! Its a great idea to attend foreign film festivals and we highly encourage you to do so! It is the best way to learn about the industry and develop your network but do remember: traveling abroad will cost you $$$$ and their film markets do not come in cheap - the minimum will be more than $200+++ if you cant get accreditation, not to mention hotel accommodation, airfare, food, transportation and so many more. Why go far when Cebu Film Market is just right at the corner? So register now and email [email protected]!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:16:10 +0000

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