Top Ten Everyday Stressors of Women 1. Stress of Chaotic - TopicsExpress


Top Ten Everyday Stressors of Women 1. Stress of Chaotic Surroundings: The nonstop influx of clutter, drudgery of housekeeping, and general feeling of being overwhelmed and disorganized; or living in surroundings that don’t really reflect our personalities or inspire us. 2. Stress of Schedules: Too much to do, too many needs to meet, difficulty accepting limitations, inability to say no or ask for help without guilt. Not enough time for solitude, treating yourself, being creative. The difficulties of finding work you love and then balancing it with the rest of your life, or family. Not to mention, the challenge of doing all this within a budget. 3. Stress of Negative Body Image: The inability to love our bodies as they really are or to cope with “mom bodies” after babies and the angst of aging. In other words, the stress of not being Angelina Jolie. 4. Stress of Negative Self-Talk: Thought patterns that wear us out, make us anxious, or send us into a downward spiral of unending despair and crankiness. 5. Stress of Food Issues: From trying to eat healthy while craving a Big Mac, to the chore of feeding a hungry family — Every. Single. Day. 6. Stress of Fitness: Guilt about not exercising enough, guilt about the time it takes to get fit (time away from loved ones or responsibilities), getting discouraged with slow results. In short, not being able to run a mile and instantly, permanently, lose twenty pounds without ever having to repeat the ordeal again. 7. Stress of Friendship: How to find friends you really like and admire who also think you are equally endearing. How to handle toxic or draining relationships without getting kidnapped by negativity. 8. Stress of Marriage: Making time for each other and finding ways to replenish our love tanks. How to stay in touch with our sensuous side — even if we are covered in baby spit-up and peanut-butter handprints. 9. Stress of Raising Children: Whether your child is two or twenty-five, being a parent can keep you scurrying and worrying. We want to enjoy our kids — really we do. And most of us feel we could do that. Definitely. If we only had to parent our children when we were well rested and feeling up to it. All we need is a bevy of downstairs servants at our beck and call to nanny our children, cook our meals, dress and undress us in the latest fashions, tuck us in bed at night, and serve us a lovely homemade breakfast on a tray. (I just realized that this job description could fit either “The entire serving staff of Downton Abbey,” or “What Every Mom Does for Their Kids Every Day.” No wonder we’re tired.) 10. Stress of Feeling like a Spiritual Slacker: Struggling with a nagging vague feeling that we’re never doing enough for God, not paying him the right kind of attention, or practicing spiritual disciplines with enough... uh... discipline. Nourished: A Search for Health, Happiness, and a Full Night’s Sleep by Becky Johnson & Rachel Randolph
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:50:42 +0000

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