Top Ten Tips for a Happy & Wiser 2015! Warriors... I gleaned - TopicsExpress


Top Ten Tips for a Happy & Wiser 2015! Warriors... I gleaned some very valuable truths in 2014 that I take with me as wisdom into 2015. It is my hope and prayer that these truths will bless your life... 1- Gods love is more than enough to heal every hurt and pain in life. Its just a matter of how much we allow ourselves to experience it. (If you need a little help in this department listen to Aaron Shusts song My Hope is in You- its a good start.) 2- Life is full of tests. Everything--- our thoughts, actions, reactions and inactions reveal whether we are passing the tests or need to re-take them. 3- The grass is always greener where you mow the lawn and water it. Everything worth having takes work --- relationships, careers, strong faith. Sow your seeds and reap a mighty harvest in time. We all get the garden of grass that we cultivate. (That last sentence is a tweetable). 4- Do not magnify your hardships, pains, problems, setbacks and disappointments. To do so diminishes hope. And hope is the anchor of your faith, without it, we can not please God. We have been given amazing ability to solve problems and overcome. We are more than conquerors. 5- Take no moment of life, or any person for granted. Life is short. Count every single blessing and make the best of every single moment. Gratitude is the only attitude to have. 6- Live from a heart that gives without looking to receive. 7- When the tough times come, saddle up your heart and ride em through til you get victory. God is with you and Hes on your side. 8- Realize that all the love you need is already within reach. And when your need for love is the greatest, thats the time to give some away. 9- Keep your thoughts positive. Ive never met an unhappy person who was truly healthy or a healthy person who was truly unhappy. 10- Be willing to be vulnerable. Yes, people will take advantage of your kind, open heart, and that will hurt, but those who will nourish it and protect it will more than make up for the damages. ;-) Bonus Tip: Realize this truth... You have never been unloved. Be bold! Be blessed! Be you!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:34:25 +0000

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