Top of a fine morning to friend and foe ..... Beautiful morning in - TopicsExpress


Top of a fine morning to friend and foe ..... Beautiful morning in BugTussle. Handsome off to work, my girls are loved fed and content .... I am so blessed in my capacity to love ... It matters not how deep hurt runs .. the love spring runs deeper so just keep digging ... It matters not what joy some may take in your hardships there will always be a kindred soul right around the rejection ... so just remain open ..remain kind ... We never need explain kindness ... a lesson I learned the hurt way. Kindness will serve your souls rejuvenation source. A person once ..after drinking generously from my kindness spring stated ... if you are being kind just to be known as a kind person, well then you are not kind. I forgave the statement immediately ... remembering my Great Grandfathers words, Yee whom thou hast offended thou shalt also hate, (biblical quote.. so before you get all crazy ... I do not accept the bible as the words of God I accept it as the writing of men. My god, well... She doesnt like the book much either, wink wink, but as with most things ... you can find something worthwhile in it) ... And when tripping upon the sanctimonious religious, I thank my god every day that she gave me the wisdom to recognize this for what it is. Every morning when I have these hours of quiet and peace I can not help but think of all the women world wide that are subjected to such horrible repressed and enslaved lives. My mind travels to the parents of 267 young girls that were stolen in the night to be used and abused at the will of terrorists that have lost their mind to fanaticism... Gosh even with the horrors of humans that I have endured I am so very blessed in this world. My thoughts often travel to the broken hearts of mothers giving birth in countries where they will be lucky if they die young ... Yes my heart ... it just must be like 90% of my body .... because I hold so much in there every day .... love, patience, kindness and the tender awareness and regard for all those .. but most especially the daughters to become mothers of this world .... but this is not all my heart holds .. it nurtures an anger and fierce determination ... a passion for change ...a frustration with Phukwits ... deep sympathies for the greedy and deep perplexity to the catty and shite minded ... I am in awe of true beauty and a genuine soul wins my loyalty for ever .... Duplicity .. both the obvious and more the ones that think they are undercover, (trust me you have to get up pretty early to be an ass unbeknownst to me, i was raised by them) bring a bad taste to my mouth as quick as worm medicine... And children well children for me are hope incarnate and have always had the power to lift my heart out of reality. This heart in its age ... in its experiences ... with its outcomes ... understands the spectrum of humankind ... the spectrum within each of us .... and the futility of it all. Ahhh this heart of mine .... travels today with my new Tom Petty and some new Leonard Cohen and a deep love for the little soul I am because I am so young and I already know .... The miracle is in the giving! .. Have great day and I hope each and every one of you ... even smelly shelly and shoddy rod have a kick ass open heart kind of day. Just the warmest love .... anyone feeling uncomfortable with this post in nay way ... rolling eyes ... shaking head .. etc ... I simply comment you exercise your right to unlike ... because I am one of the feeling ones and in my state of being loved and safe ... my voice dances ... And people .... for most remember .... it is easy loving you. Funky Girl All Growed Up For my girls ... they saved my life .. Lola Angie Brandi Samantha #YesAllWomen https://youtube/watch?v=TRNL3QOLT2Q
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:34:43 +0000

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