Top of the morning to ya! !!! Its Sunday Morning...the day that - TopicsExpress


Top of the morning to ya! !!! Its Sunday Morning...the day that many people set aside to go to their perspective places to worship God. I plan to attend worship with my buddy Bill Tate at his church today..The Church of the Shoals. The Apostle Paul tells in 1Corinthians 12 that the church is the body of Christ .....and he compares it to the actual functioning of the human body...that it is one body made up of many members...that is u have the head,the neck, the arm , the leg and even the toe... or the brain, the heart, the liver or even the ear drum...All these have separate yet important functons....MANY MEMBERS BUT ONE BODY The head cant get around without legs! The arm has to have the hand to pick something up! The brain has to have the heart to get blood! The heart has to have the lungs to produce oxygen for the blood that the heart pumps to every cell in the body! The blood has to have the kidneys to clean the blood! ONE BODY YET MANY MEMBERS FUNCTIONING IN TOTAL UNITY!!! Thats the way Paul said the church (the body) is to function. All members dependent on each other ,all members respectful of each others particular function......if the heart gets sick the whole body is affected....if the eardrum doesnt work the whole body cant hear,in other WORDS. .WE NEED EACH OTHER!!! That is each of has different callings, talents and gifts that are not given to us for our Own selfish purpose but for the good of the whole other words ..WE NEED EACH OTHER IN ORDER TO FUNCTION PROPERLY! God had a vision...the body made up of many many many members, yet ALL FUNCTIONING TOGETHER...for the good of the WHOLE BODY. GOD had a vision....UNITY! Now the god of this world SATAN IS IN TROUBLE...he knows the power of unity....he realizes if all these members work together he is defeated, so he takes VISION and puts a DI in the front of it, now hes got what he wants DIVISION. Now hes got a divided BODY the members start thinking their function is the most important, MY part in this is the most important, Im the heart what I do keeps everything going, Im right everyone else is wrong, Im the brain I do all the thinking for everyone else the toe doesnt know whats best.then the finger starts thinking im just a fingerI wish I was a brain or a lung then all the other members would respect what believe and say, but since Im just a finger, they think they dont really need ME so ill show them, ill stop working...take that brain just because u had the thought to to point at something ,now try to do it without me...then the Rectum hears this discussion and says to the finger you think u dont get no respect, u ought to try being ME for a the Rodney Dangerfield of the body...nobody respects me...Im way off down here totally covered up and all I do is take care of the rest u members crap all day...everybody thinks theyre TO good to even shake my hand...Im leaving and not coming back lets see how u folks handle your crap now!!!! This may sound humerous or even ridiculous....but SATAN is the one who is laughing the loudess... because he took Vision and turned it into Division, he took Function and and turned it into Disfunction! Friends this happens everyday of the week in THE BODY OF CHRIST and im saddened to say Sundays WE are at our worse! We look for the church of brains, or the church of lungs or even the church of rectums ....u say Mack u r out of line...its not like that! Oh yeah, on Sunday mornings we as the body of Christ show the world our true our perspective names over our doors that usually signifies our part in this division because we think our opinion, interpretation, or belief is the RIGHT ONE! To the degree we let it separate US from the rest of the body! U say Mack we dont do that, Oh yeah,we do.......we ve got the brains meeting on this corner that believe u have to meet only on Sundays and down the street uve got the lungs who met yesterday on Saturday because they think the 7Th day is the day of worship; then a block away Ive got the the elbows meeting who think u cant have instrumental music in a WORSHIP service yet a mile away is the church of the ankles that has 15 musicians on the stage during worship; and across town youve got the the church of the knees who believe once you are saved u r always saved,yet across the bridge youve got the church of the hips who believe if you slip and say Doggone or tell a little white lie u r doomed to hell imediately, then if this isnt bad enough it goes on and on... then u got church of blacks and the church of whites, and the wealthy church and the poor church , the The holy spirit church and the not too much spirit church...on and on and on it goes.......instead of come to our church and be like CHRIST...its more like come to our church and be one of us....believe exactly the way we do, well teach u our way is like us, dress like us be one of US only a brain, only a lung, only a finger the rest of the body outside our doors hasnt got it right...BUT WE DO! All this division and disfunction comes from one thing .... we the body of Christ are human beings...we think! Therefore when we read the Word...we think and part of the thinking process is interpretation....we read it we think about it and out of that process comes OUR INTERPETATION and we feel confident that our interpretation is the correct confident we start a church based on it.....I was watching Christian TV a few days ago and one preacher read a verse from the Bible and said as he studied the night before the Spirit showed him exactly what that verse really meant....and when he share it , I thought wow hes right! Then a little later that day another preacher came on and read the same verse and said God gave me the real meaning of this verse last night... then he preceded to share what God showed him... I thought wow hes right, but wait a minute they said just the opposite of each other , they totally disagree with each other, surely one is right and one is wrong so I thought let me read it and see whos right and whos I read it and prayed for revelation and u know what I now didnt agree with either one of them.......God gave me the correct interpetation! Maybe I should start a church with my interpretation....INTERPETATION.... is what has created created over 300 different protestant churches in America today...nothing wrong with INTERPETATION within itself ...because its part of the human thinking process...God gave us this ability ... take the old example of a glass of water put water in it half way to the top and ask a hundred people what they see...many will say a glass half full, yet others will say a glass half empty....neither are wrong, neither or right but yet one will start the church of the half filled glass and the other will start his church of the glass half empty wonder the world outside our church walls is totally confused about us....they see our DIVISION AND OUR DISFUNCTION....AND AS A RESULT THEY DONT THE CHRIST WHO IS THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH! We have hidden him in the name of doctrine....binding OUR INTERPETATIONS OF THE thus safety the Lord on people when it wasnt the Lord it was US...OUR RELIGIOUS PRIDE OF KNOWING WHATS RIGHT AND WHATS BEST ...for the people of the world.....if we think weve got it right to the point we start isolating ourselves from the rest of the body in the name of our INTERPETATION the body will become handicapped and non-effective...or maybe we IT has already happened....heres my point ....Im not going to follow the INTERPETATION of a man or a group and allow that man or group to train my brain to think like THEM Just so I can b one of them....because none of them have it all right! What I am going to do is not be too concern about their INTERPETATIONS but be more concern about thier CONVICTIONS! Do they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He was born of a virgin, that He lived a sinless life, that He gave His life on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, that He was buried in a tomb, and on the third day He was resurrected overcoming death and sin once and for all , that now He sits at the right hand of His Father....and the last thing He said before leaving the earth was to go into all the world and preach This gospel...that God So loved the world tat he gave His only begotten son that whosoever BELIEVETH ON HIM SHALL NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE........THIS doesnt need ANY INTERPETATION....THIS IS HIS TEACHING....TO BE TAKEN WITHOUT OUR IMPUT! You know what folks ....Jesus didnt have too much to say about the church except he was the head of it and and it was to built upon one fact He was the the rock or the foundation of it....sounds like hes SUPPOSE to the thought process of it and the means by which is to function.....When I read the Word now its like I no longer see the smaller picture The Church...I see the bigger picture The Church or if u like the body of just a small part of the THE TRUE BIGGER PICTURE.... what Jesus preached about The Kingdom of God....Remember He said over and over he used the phrase over and over the kingdom of God is liken unto and then he would share a parable teaching us how to live out our lives ....kinda where the rubber meets the road...when u read all His Kingdom teachings it seems He wasnt too concern about speaking in tongues or not speaking in tongues, or observing the Lords supper only on Sundays,etc etc etc......things we seem so concern about that keeps us divided in the name of a matter of fact He condemn it....He even ran it out of the temple...He told that Hollier than thou religious group ...uve. turned my Fathers House of prayer into nothing more than a J C Pennys retail store....does that sound familiar, have u watched Christian T V lately? ......
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 15:52:18 +0000

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