Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, - TopicsExpress


Top seven natural cures for cancer that got buried by the FDA, AMA, CDC 1. The AMA once paid a cancer virus researcher $250K to retire in Mexico and stop working on natural cures: (naturalnews) 2. Burzynski documentary reveals true agenda of FDA and cancer industry to destroy cancer cures that really work: (naturalnews) 3. Dying to Have Known documentary features Gerson Therapy natural cancer cure: (naturalnews) 4. Harry Hoxsey: Guilty of Curing Cancer with Herbs: (naturalnews) 5. Magic mushrooms could treat depression, but clinical trials unnecessarily delayed by drug laws: (naturalnews) 6. Marijuana - A cure for cancer? (naturalnews) 7. Beat cancer with 35% hydrogen peroxide! (naturalnews) Nearly 100 years ago, the AMA began removing nutritional education from medical schools in America. Medical doctors would no longer understand anything about using food as medicine (or be allowed to suggest it), and all mid-wives, Native American herbalists and natural healers would be referred to in medical journals as quacks. The Western Medicine philosophy would soon come to be that no food in the world could ever heal a human being or cure any disease or disorder; in fact, only pharmaceuticals and vaccines would ever be able to make that claim (legally) and get away with it, whether in peer reviews, medical and science journals (JAMA), scientific studies or labeled as such on products. (naturalnews) Currently, it is illegal for any food, herb, tincture or superfood product to say that it cures anything, yet medications advertised on TV since 1997 can say they treat all kinds of diseases and disorders, even though the side effects are horrendous, some of the time including internal bleeding and suicide. (naturalnews) Mother Nature, on the other hand, has a CURE for everything and also offers prevention and immunity for everything under the sun. Nutritionists and Naturopathic Physicians will tell you all day that organic fruits and vegetables are the key to healing and living a healthy life. A plant-based diet can heal nearly any health problem, and the body is like a machine that fires on all cylinders when given the correct fuel. Take this knowledge and be on your way to health freedom and natural living, where you have lots of energy, rarely ever get sick, can think critically all the time, can be spiritual and independent and take care of your family! Follow Natural News and track the truth. Learn and grow from it. Dont eat cancer. Dont drink cancer. Be organic. (programs.webseed) Learn more: naturalnews/042688_natural_medicine_cancer_cures_government_agencies.html#ixzz2iyfL3D67
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 01:54:01 +0000

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