Topic - Light of the world Mathew 5:14: You are the light of - TopicsExpress


Topic - Light of the world Mathew 5:14: You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Before now we saw Christ relating the believers to the salt of the earth, and now He press forward relating us to be the light of the world, and I began to ponder on the world light, and I remember what brought about the creation of light in Genesis 1:2 Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. Gods Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. (TM) and this tell me why light is needed. Light is needed where there is darkness and emptiness, and I read through the creation of light, another thing I found out was that God didn’t eradicate darkness but instead separate darkness from light, in other word darkness is always close to overshadow light, what separate us from darkness is just the availability of let there be. Let return to Mathew 5, when we talk of light of the world the best thing I can use to relate to this is the sun, so think we should borrow some character from the sun if we are going to be a shining light in this world of chaos, some of these character are; No man dare to stop the sun from shining, the sun is not envying the stars because it understand every light has it own time, the sun never beg darkness to live, his present automatically send darkness packing, sun is always busy fulfilling what has been commission to it from creation, so also we Christian should possess this few character. However, we that ought to be the light to the world are the one adding more confusion to the world, we crowded our activities that does not help reflect any light, we have allow the enemy to shut us up, most man of God have become an echo because government has enveloped them, can I quickly tell you this man of God, you can’t develop if you too conscious of envelope. We do all sort of celebration and activities in church today but with less or no impact, we buy the latest instrument not because we love God but because we want people to live other denomination to ours, we no longer tell the truth to ourselves because we don’t want lose member, but the fact is truth standard cannot fall. We do crusade not because we want souls save, but because we need and urgent fund to build a large hall. We turn the church to a museum. And I keep asking myself if this was how the Apostle did it? Has God ever sent any man to build him edifies only? I can say No, God mission is to save men not to display how he can build a big mansion called church with a poor and suffering men heading to hell, God is looking for end time generals not end time instrument and building. Sorry am not against the building and instrument, however it should not be our priority, our motive should change on why we buy the instrument and build those gigantic mansion. We are the light of the world. Light don’t care if he is criticize or not, he does not care if any man praise/appreciate him, all that he has in mind is how to outshine the darkness, light don’t yield to darkness when it is his time to shine. Can I tell you this, a light that must shine in the world must be above the world, in other word we can’t be equal with the world and outshine the world. But our major problem is that, for though by this time the church(me and you) ought to be teacher, but we need someone to still teach us again the first principle of the oracles of God; and we come to need milk and not solid food. It hard to survive on milk alone, it is meant for babes. Let your light so much shine, in other word; let nothing limit you from shining. So the question now is, are you a light or you have left being a light? Are you bringing down others light or empowering them to outshine the world? We can both light up the world, if we both work together and if we both make our light shine in our various environments. This is Stanley an Apostle of Jesus chosen to spread the gospel. Enjoy your day
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:04:46 +0000

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