Topic: A Divine Check Text: Joshua 7:10-15 God is love. He does - TopicsExpress


Topic: A Divine Check Text: Joshua 7:10-15 God is love. He does not want any of His children to go astray. Whenever He discovers that we are going astray He swiftly acts by placing on our pathway a barrier that will jolt us out of complacency and get us back on to the right path. Our text reveals the divine attitude to sin. Although God loved Israel and established a covenant with them as a peculiar people, He did not fail to deal with them whenever they erred. Any act of violation on the part of those in covenant relationship with God attracts divine displeasure. God did not deny that He made a covenant with Joshua. However, the covenant was based on the understanding that the children of Israel must remain holy because He is holy. They broke the covenant so it could not stand. However, He said because He does not change, if they would go back to their part of the covenant, He would maintain His. Many a time, when we go to the Lord in prayer, He reminds us of the sins in our lives hindering our miracles. The word of God says in Proverbs 28:13, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy”. When God loves you but you go contrary to His will, He will talk to you. The only time when you can hear His voice is when you are praying. You might be praying for God to prosper you.If you go to the Lord in prayer and ask why you are not prospering, it is possible that He will refer you to Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Many of us want to prosper but we are lazy. God is faithful but we have to fulfill our own part of the deal. Many of us often limit God’s power. Memory Verse: Matthew 4:7 - “Jesus said unto him, it is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 01:52:18 +0000

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