Topic : ACROSS THE BRIDGE There is a man who has been suffering, - TopicsExpress


Topic : ACROSS THE BRIDGE There is a man who has been suffering, no food, no money, no wife because every women was running away from him because he doesnt have money, no where to sleep, he slept from one shop to another, no father, no mother, every one rejected him. One day the man was looking for what to eat, he begged people but they chase him away, they called him different name, and this man Decided to check dustbin if he could see any food that was poured away by the people. He then saw new testament bible, he took it and the holy spirit touched his brain and directed him to the book of Revelation 21:3-4 AND I HEARD A GREAT VOICE OUT OF HEAVEN SAYING, BEHOLD, THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN, AND HE WILL DWELL WITH THEM, AND THEY SHALL BE HIS PEOPLE, AND GOD HIMSELF SHALL BE WITH THEM, AND BE THEIR GOD. AND GOD SHALL WIPE AWAY ALL TEARS FROM THEIR EYES; AND THERE SHALL BE NO MORE DEATH, NEITHER SORROW, NOR CRYING, NEITHER SHALL THERE BE ANY MORE PAINS : FOR THE FORMER THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY. immediately when he read it through the power of the holy spirit of God, he said is this true, how can i believe this, my parent die in accident, my parent house was taken from me, i dont have any friend, i dont have any thing to eat, how can i believe this written, i cried every day and there is none to say sorry to me, can i believe this ?. SATAN : why will you believe this, is nothing but lie JESUS : why cant you look for the person that wrote the book MAN : where is the person living ? JESUS : The person is with you SATAN : How long will your heart continue to deceive you on something that is not true MAN : If truly you are here with me, show your self and show me that beautiful place that i read JESUS : look at your back and see me. And the man looked back and i saw the glimpse of the glory of Jesus Christ, he couldnt withstood it, he fell down and he had out of body experience. He was taken to the celestial city to see the beauty of the place, he was showed the stream of water, he saw how the angels are singing the song of halleluyah, he saw how trees and flowers were praising Jesus Christ. Then he heard a voice saying MY SON, ACROSS THE BRIDGE THERE IS NO MORE SORROW, ACROSS THE BRIDGE THERE IS NO PAIN, I MAKE ALL THING BEAUTIFUL, I AM JEHOVAH, THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, JACOB. the man was very excited with tears of joy, and he said is there any man like me that is already here in this beautiful city ?, Jesus Christ said Yes there is a man called Lazarus, he is also here, and the man said i want to see him, and Lazarus was called out, he dressed with garment of glory, his face was full of beautiful smile. MAN : what is your name ? LAZARUS : My name is Lazarus MAN : Tell me about you LAZARUS : my body was full of sores, i ate from the crumbs which fell from the table of a particular rich man, i always wrestling with dog before eating the crumbs, moreover the dogs came and licked my sores, but i hold on to the God of Israel, when i died, i look at my body no more sores, i found my self in glory, in Abraham bosom, i was clothed with glory, the joy in this place is very nice.(Luke 16:20-22) This man became very happy, and he said i dont want to leave this place, but Jesus said go and tell the world that ACROSS THE BRIDGE THERE IS NO MORE SORROW. The man said no no no no and he opened his eyes and found himself near a pit that was dig for him to buried, people gathering together, and as they heard him they were afraid, and he told them I AM RICHER THAN THE RICHEST PERSON OF THIS EARTH, I HAVE SEEN WHAT IS BEYOND AND AWAITING ANY ONE THAT NEGLECT THE PLEASURE OF THE WORLD, ACROSS THE BRIDGE THERE IS NO MORE SORROW within a week that man reached many town and villages telling them about the beauty of celestial city, and he died and ended up into glorious city. Life does not ended in the grave, no matter what you are going through, you might not have food to eat and you may be facing problem upon problems, but i must be sincere with you, live a holy life, a pure life, an uncompromising life, a transform life, across the bridge there is no more sorrow. I have seen the glory of the place, i have witness the joy of the place, i have witness the glory of that place, there is no sorrow there, there is no weeping there, no more pains, across the bridge there is uncomparable joy. Set your affection on the things above, do not store a treasure to this dirty world where thief can brake and take every thing away, just like the house of a sister joice from Australia, her house was very big and beautiful because of the treasure she is storing to celestial city. The problem and sorrow you are going through is for a while, your days are numbeed on this earth, never compromise or backslide, eternity is near, be more closer to Jesus Christ and surrender your life to him totally, the glory of this world is but a garbage comparing to the glory that is awaiting you. ACROSS THE BRIDGE.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 07:54:30 +0000

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