Topic: Being a Patriotic Citizen Through Civic Exercise OR, Why - TopicsExpress


Topic: Being a Patriotic Citizen Through Civic Exercise OR, Why you should know your Bill of Rights 101. Please Note: Ive personally conducted myself in a similar manner for different scenarios and it works. However, these steps need to be followed: 1) Ask: Sir/Maam, why am I being detained? 2) Respectfully demand that a supervisory figure be called to the scene to assist. (Remember your testimony will not outweigh that of a public servants, but a third party or witness lowers the likelihood of events being fabricated by either party and any half competent defense attorney can cause havoc to the veracity of a prosecuting testimony, if more than one witness is present. ) 3) Never answer questions, with any response other than, I respectfully invoke my rights to remain silent and not consent to any search or seizure of my persons or personal belongings. Am/why am I being detained? (80+% of all arrests and convictions are based upon self - Admissions of guilt or a volunteering of information that legally doesnt have to be shared.) 4) Throughout any encounter always talk in slow, simple, and curt sentences with an audible (not yelling tone), and keep your hands calmly at your side and not in pockets (As youll be nervous and likely be impacted by your bodys adrenal responses, keeping your body and voice under control is difficult. An inability to steady bodily movements will impact your ability to speak and think clearly. Reference; fight or flight response in humans. As a solution, I hang my thumbs through my belt loops to help steady and calm my hand movements while anchoring them at my side in plain view.) 5) If you have a phone you can always utilize a voice recorder and sometimes a camera to document the event, (although if youre under suspicion of a crime wherein your cell may be used against you, you should always refuse to consent to search and seizure of your cell. In other words, if your cell taken by law enforcement, it is never surrendered voluntarily but rather it is always seized. That way if your device is powered on by law enforcement, a password will be required. Remember the burden of proof is not on you to prove that you forgot your password.) 6) Remember, that Police Officers are mainly good people who enlisted to help others. Remove your ego and opinions from the situation and realize they arent judging you personally but rather are going through the actions that they have been trained for hundreds of hours to action. 7) Lastly and most importantly: Do not to try and assert dominance or control over the situation. Control of the situation belongs to them but control over your rights and personal boundaries belongs to you. So dont be intimidated, be empowered.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:10:46 +0000

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