Topic: New things in Leadership Preacher: Pastor Otive - TopicsExpress


Topic: New things in Leadership Preacher: Pastor Otive Igbuzor Text: Is 43: 19 Date: 28/8/14 Introduction: God has promised us through our General Overseer that He will do a new thing in this Divine Encounter. No man encounters God and remain the same. A new thing is imperative when the old thing or old way of doing things is no longer desirable. Is 43: 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (KJV) Four key things from GO last night 1. New thing is Now: It is a process beginning now. There is season for everything (Ecc 3:1). The season is Now. 2. You will know it or perceive it: Change your perception. Revelation: words, thoughts, desire, expectation, imagination. 3. Nothing is too hard for God (Jer 32: 27): Way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert 4. Forget the past: Do not allow past failures to possess you What is leadership? Many people equate leadership with position. Others equate leadership with power. Those are old ways of looking at leadership. New things in Leadership • Leadership is influence. It is about influencing others in a worthwhile cause. It is not dependent on titles or positions. • A leader is a servant: Mark 10: 43…whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant • Every child of God is born to lead Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our image…and let him rule. I am a leader: Rev 1: 6…Kings and Priests • Need to change perception of leadership to service, effectiveness and result orientation The Four C’s of Effective Leadership 1. Character in the leader which generates trust 2. Conviction in the leader which generates purpose and vision 3. Competencies in the leader which leads to a healthy system 4. Confluence of the leader which manifests in the gift of God’s spirit that enables the leader to work Effective Christian leaders are: • Godly in character • Pray fervently • Emotionally healthy • See the world in optimistic and hopeful terms • Listen carefully • Trustworthy • Self- sacrificial • Create ownership of ministry vision • Utilise the giftedness of others • Acknowledge that resistance to effective leadership is normal and unavoidable • Not afraid of conflict • Persistent in the face of conflict • Resilient in the face of setback • Respected by all members of the group even if not always liked or agreed with. • Bring people together, building consensus across lines of competing viewpoints • Get people talking about their differences in ways that promote learing, listening and insight • Understand the importance of clear structures and practices of accountability • Stay in close contact with those who are resisting their leadership • Absorb normal tensions and anxieties present in people without over reacting and thereby escalating tensions • Understand and manage the process of change • Humble and take little credit for the good things that happen around them New Approach to Leadership: 2 Tim 2: 2 …Entrust to reliable and faithful men who will be competent to teach others also (Amp) (Leadership pipeline) Old Approach to Leadership or Position New Things in Leadership Commit resources to have followers and supporters Commit resources to develop people to become effective leaders Place high value on followership and loyalty Place high value on leadership Look for followers and supporters Look for potential leaders Demand respect from people because of your position Know and respect your people Provide opportunity for followers to discuss people Provide your people with leadership opportunities and experiences Feels uncomfortable when others take initiative Reward leadership initiative They take it personal when followers question them Provide safe environment where people ask questions, share ideas and take risks Have an attitude that he/she has already grown Grow with his/her people Surround himself/herself with charlatans and praise singers Draw people with his/her potential into his inner circle and mentor them Does everything himself/herself and gives directive to others Commit to developing a leadership team Sees himself/herself as the only leader. Afraid to let others lead Unleash others to lead The way Forward: Follow the Master’s master Principle The Master’s Master principle – Mark 10:42-44 - Servant – lowly connotation. Mutual service – serve one another Gal 5:13 (c.f. world leadership – Gentiles – Lord it over them Mark 10:42) Jesus example – washed the disciples’ feet – John 13:15 Qualifications and requirements for Leaders in the Church 1. Spiritual qualification – indispensable, other qualities are desirable a. Spirit filled (Acts 6:3b) b. Virtue of honesty (Acts 6:3a) c. Virtue of wisdom (Acts 6:3b) d. Faithfulness (Acts 6:5, Heb 11:6) 2. Moral requirement a. Man of his words (1Tim 3:8) b. Not a drunkard (1 Tim 3:3, 8, Lev 10:19) c. Consistent, reliable, dependable and predictable (Matt 5:37) d. Not after worldly materials (1Tim 3:3, 8) e. Blameless (1Tim 3:2, 10) 3. Domestic and family life a. Monogamous – one man, one woman (1 Tim 3:2, 12) b. Exemplary family life – 1 Tim 3:12 4. Doctrinal requirements a. Knows whom he believes (1Tim 1:12) e.g. Paul 2 Tim 1:12 b. Held in high esteem (1 Tim3:9) c. Promotes Christ (1 Tim 3:9) d. Not a novice 5. Social requirements a. Good reputation in the society (Acts 6:3a) b. Sincerity of purpose (1 Tim 3:8a) c. Commitment and loyalty (1 Tim 3:9) d. Contentment (1 Tim 6:6-7) e. Good neighborliness f. Good human relations Challenge: Are you a child of God? You are born to lead. Are you prepared to lead in the new way? Do you possess the qualifications to lead in the church? God is looking for people to lead the end time church. Make yourself available and he will use you in a new way. Prayer: • God make me an effective leader
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 22:01:42 +0000

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