Topic : RAPTURE OF ABIDING SAINTS IN CHRIST. (1 THESS 4:13-17). Rapture is the catching up of the saints alive to meet Jesus in the air. Rapture is the event we are waiting for at this moment. And we should remove that spirit of doubt in us, the one that is telling you that Jesus Christ will delay and will not come in next 20 years, that spirit is the anti-Christ that worketh in this end time. Being a believer never mean you can not be ignorance of the coming of the Lord, but always be ready. Is just like the case of 10 virgin, the foolish one was ignorance of the coming of the bridegroom.(Matthew 25:1-12) what is the consequence of being ignorant ? (Hosea 4:6) what are the event that gives assurance that the rapture is knocking at the door of earth ? 1 DECEPTION : MARK 13:5-6, MAT 24:4-5; 11-12) There are a lot of deception going on in many part of the world, this is telling us that the Rapture is so close to us than we ever think. There are a lot of lying, false doctrine, sweet tongue of lying in different part of the world. Doctrine of unrighteousness is being prove as righteous. Pop Francis declare lucifer as their God, what a deception. Some said Jesus is angel Michael, some said Jesus is isa, all this are deception. Many people putting their self in the position of Christ, people lying in the name of Jesus Christ, people lying in the name of JESUS TOLD ME,JESUS SAID IS NOT A SIN,JESUS APPRECIATE MY EARRINGS,GOLD,CHAINLIAR, all this are deception. If it were possible, they will deceive the very elect, and who is elect ? SOME BODY THAT FEAR GOD AND OBEY HIS WORD,THAT UNDERSTAND THE SCRIPTURE VERY WELL beware of their sweet tongue of deception. 2 WAR AND RUMOURS OF WAR. (MK 13:7) you too can witness this with you own naked eyes. 3. NATIONS SHALL RISE AGAINST NATION,EARTHQUAKE AND A LOT OF STRANGE EVENTS. (MK 13:8) this you can hear and see with your own naked eyes. 4 THERE WILL BE GREAT PERSECUTION.(MK 13:9 AND 10) : What give assurance that this persecution of your faith will be before rapture is that, whenever they accuses you, the holy spirit will teach you what to say. if it should be after rapture, the holy spirit will not be available because the holy spirit will be rapture along with the saints, he is the one carrying the saint to meet Jesus in the glorious cloud. 5 family will betrayed their self. Which is already happening. Mk 13:12). Now the anti- Christ has been in existence, then it is high time to escapes for your life, soon the trumpet shall sound. (mk 13:29). There shall be resurrection of the saints : this are the people who have sleep in the Lord, not those who died in a habalist home, not those who died in a witch doctor house, but those who died in their total obedient to Gods word. (1 thess 4:13-15). When the people in the world died, they are very sorrowful and there is none to wipe away their tears, they even do their remembrance, but for those who have sleep in the Lord shall be resurrected at the coming of Christ. How i wish i could see my aunty in the resurrection when the trumpet shall sound. What about you ? (john 5:25-29) the saints who are dead are now sleep in the Lord, but they shall rise at Christ coming. When a believer died, his spirit is absent in the body, although the body lied in the grave, but the spirit ans soul return to God.(Lk 23:42-43). This is not our permanent abode, our real city is heaven, so soon there shall be divine high call, and we shall be caught up together with divine immortal body, and so shall we be with Christ for ever. We are stranger here on earth. What a glorious body we will put on. There is no supposition here, this id not a doctrine of a church, but this is the word of God, Christ will definitely come. We should be in the stage of readiness. (john 14:1-4). The rapture is for the purify saint, not those who are spot with sin, is not for religious people, but those who are careful of their life in total obedient to the word of God.(micah 6:11-12)(1 cor 15:51-). Is not enough to be known as saint, but how prepared are you for the grate coming of the Lord ? (MK 13:32). SINCE THE DAY CAN NOT BE PREDICT BY ANY ONE, EVEN ANGELS, HOW READY ARE YOU ? THIS IS NOT TIME TO BE ANGRY, KEEPING MALICE, FIGHTING, ABUSING,TO LUST AFTER MEN AND WOMEN, BECAUSE THE END TIME HAS END ALREADY, PREPARED TO MEET THE LAMB OF GOD. what is your request about your spiritual life ? Comment it here, i will present it before the Lord. I promise you all to do that, because theres no more time to waste.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 09:33:17 +0000

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