Topic: The meaning of Islam Nearly every religion on the face - TopicsExpress


Topic: The meaning of Islam Nearly every religion on the face of this planet Earth has been named after either the person it has been associated with or after the people or nation from which it originated. For example, Christianity derives its name from Jesus Christ; Buddhism from Gautaman Buddha; Zorastrianism from Zoroaster; and Judaism, the religion of the Jews takes it name from both the tribe of Judah and the country of Judea where it was born. The same is true of other religions. However, this is not the case with Islam. Islam enjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or people. The word Islam doesnt convey any such relationship- for it doesnt belong to any certain person, people, or country. Nor is it the product of any human mind. It is a universal religion and its objective is to create and cultivate within man the quality and attitude of Islam. Islam is, in fact, is a descriptive title, whoever possesses these qualities contained within this title regardless of the race, creed, or color, community, country, or family, is a Muslim According to the Quraan among every society and in all ages there have been good and righteous people who possessed these qualities-and all of them were and are Muslims. This automatically brings us to the question: What does Islam mean? And who is a Muslim? To be continued:
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 04:06:19 +0000

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