Topic: What Rules the World? Idea or faith Text: Matthew - TopicsExpress


Topic: What Rules the World? Idea or faith Text: Matthew 17:17-21. M.V. He replied, Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you(v.21) It has been popularly believed as submitted by the motivational speakers that “idea rules the world”. But recently, precisely this week, God opened my eyes to see and know that it is not the idea that rules the world but faith. It could be disputed that is it not faith that gives the idea. Yes, it might be so but not every time, ideas can equally come from Satan and other source perhaps tradition, experience and influence. And idea is limited as the case of the above passage. Faith can enter and penetrate anywhere but not idea. In fact idea is dependent on some other factors whereas faith is only dependent on God. Idea can try little to control and influence the physical (and the physical world alone does not make the whole world) but is limited when it comes to the spiritual matters. It is faith that has power, ability and capacity to control both the physical and the spiritual. If you rely solely on your ideas, you can never rule the world. It is the people that carry faith that can operate in the spirit realm and determine what happens in the physical. In the passage under consideration, Jesus did not tell the disciples that if they have small idea nothing shall be impossible but rather a small faith is enough to achieve the impossibility. So, which one do you run after; idea or faith. Your faith must be strong enough to see even when people in the flesh do not see anything. Your faith must be alive and influential. Your faith can grow through your encounter with God and desire to dwell in His presence. Get it right, Faith rules the world but not ideas. God, please teach us the right thing and open our eyes to see through your eyes in Jesus Name.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 23:07:26 +0000

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