Topsy-turvy, unusual, unexpected, difficult, intuitive, - TopicsExpress


Topsy-turvy, unusual, unexpected, difficult, intuitive, liberty-loving, original, abrupt, boldly romantic, philosophical, and erratic and chaotic Uranus -- the planet whose energies awaken the individual to new, often sudden opportunities -- rules the facades, external egos, and personalities of all with Aquarius rising. Your personality might be labeled by others who know you well as unique and one-of-a-kind; or, if they are not friends, strange, unusual, peculiar, and too far-out. Both labeling exercises might be more or less accurate, depending on whether you are responding positively or negatively to the Aquarian/Uranian influences on your personality. Outsiders who observe your personal actions for a relatively short period of time may wonder what you will do next, or in which direction you might go tomorrow; they may have difficulty with seeing much if any method in your madness. However, if they would consider your actions over a period of months or years, they would have to agree there is more organization and underlying reason and rationale than might at first be evident. The fixed (stabalizing) influence of Aquarius gives you the tenacity and willpower to get a lot more accomplished than many might suspect. The height varies, generally falling into two groups: one, quite tall, slim and blonde; the other, shorter, heavier and with darker hair and coloring generally. In both types, the trunk of the body may be longer than normal and very flexible; bone structure tends to the large side. The head may be rather like a round tower, with the back enlarged and emphasized. The hair may be of a very durable texture, wavy, and glossy. A rather full forehead may be accented by well-shaped and slightly curved eyebrows. Facial features are finely-etched and tend to triangle toward the chin. The mouth is closed rather tightly, but the lips may appear half-smiling much of the time. Teeth may be nicely shaped and very white. The voice is quite clear, and the speech pattern rather rapid-fire. Some physical movements appear quick, unpredictable, even somewhat disjointed at times. Some eccentricities of mannerisms are present; for example, theres may be a pronounced dislike for being touched other than by those closely associated. Persons with Aquarius ascending are the true individualists of the zodiac. You think and act differently and possess a natural flair for turning the dull into the new and exciting. There is organizing ability, enthusiasm, strength of will, mental creativity and inspiration; you are deeply reflective. Even though there may be a deep-seated good sense of humor, seldom does it inspire you to laugh aloud or openly. The emotions are refined by intelligence and discrimination. Generally, there is a sensitive rather than a sensual emotional bent. In romance, conventions often may be totally discarded. Inherent weaknesses often may include being openly contrary, harboring the instinct to sound off abruptly and loudly if things become a strain, and being almost complete unpredictability. A strong tendency to say exactly what is thought without much regard as to how it may negatively affect others can cause a sudden loss of friends. Since there is generally a strong constitution and a rather long life expectancy, there is seldom much serious illness to contend with. The nervous system, while normally well controlled, is very vulnerable however under severe stress or duress. Attention should be given to the circulatory systems arteries, and veins; the calves, and the ankles. The life-pattern is generally episodic and more or less spectacular. Opportunities and setbacks may occur when and where least expected. Alternate four-and ten-year cycles seem to be the general pattern of experience. The main characteristics and qualities of a desirable nature good for cultivation are expressed by such words and terms as the following: leadership, truthfulness, scientific interests, sincerity, earnestness, cooperativeness, sociability, service, patience, steadfastness, inventiveness and intuition. Some select words and terms describing characteristics and potential flaws for correction are: a radical nature, disorganization, too much skepticism, overanxiousness, sentimentality, gullibility, occasional irrational acts, and total unpredictability. All of these less-than-desirable inclinations and traits either already have been or can, in time, be improved upon, markedly corrected, or totally overcome by the conscientious and proper mental application of your outstanding positive qualities, and your strong interest in being able to help yourself and mankind generally.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 06:32:34 +0000

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