Torah versus Talmud: Increíbles declaraciones de un Rabino - TopicsExpress


Torah versus Talmud: Increíbles declaraciones de un Rabino anti-sionista sobre el Estado de Israel: Before embarking on the main topic of discussion herein let me start with assertion that the education we receive from our schools are all tampered, contaminated and tainted by the CABAL , Eugenics and Illegalities not only since 1770 (i.e. at the advent of Indus trail revolution and the resultant Paradigm Shift) but with the so called 12 lost tribes of Israel. The word lost is used as a metaphor and not in it literal meaning, in that these tribes were lost from the causes of God and instead delved in Satanic rituals therefore lost form the real cause. These so called lost tribes are the reason why God had to send Jesus and Mohammed to do the damage control for the good religion of Moses and the Ten Commandment along with the instructions in Torah (also called Mosaic Laws). The next important issue to be remembered that the deviations and different denominations that has come into existence in mainstream Judaism (i.e. from Orthodox to the deviate and have different versions or interpretations) similarly the deviation from Orthodox Christianity are also similar deliberate deviations inflected upon the religions by the 12 lost tribes. Incidentally mainstream Islam also suffered these in a big way over the period of centuries. Since our tainted curriculum intentionally avoid these issues therefore the entire process of education is a big time hoax. The purpose of education is to stimulate the analytic qualities of the brain and never was it meant to be a Parrot like exercise of mechanical memorizing and turn out to be obedient servants of the CABAL. Getting back to the issue of Torah and the so called lost tries evil interpretation called Talmud, unless we understand it clearly we will continue to be in the vortex of evil designs for ever. When the Quresh turned against Mohammed after the death of his wife Khadiza, he had on option but to respond to the request of the Torah followers in Yatrib (now known as Median). The Jews in Yatrib were being systematically harassed by the Talmudic (masqueraded Jews). Because there was no scope of settling their dispute of generations with arbitrators appointed with common conscientious, therefore they needed a third party objective arbitrator in the person of Mohammed in Mecca (due to his reputation as Al Amin- the Trusted). Now Mohammed did not respond to their first request but when the second delegation came to solicit Mohameds services, while the condition of the followers of Mohammed turned even worst due to boycott by the Quresh for nearing three consecutive years, Mohammed decided to go to Medina (known as Hijrat). All these are well documented facts and not some legends and myths or word of mouth stories (as correctly pointed out by Karen Armstrong n her book - a biography of Mohammed). Therefore please note that Mohammed was invited by the followers of Torah as early as 622 A.D. and to form a civil state where every one can live in peace and harmony. However things were not easy and at one point Mohammed had to get rid of two extremely notorious tribes of the followers of Talmud but to be fair Mohammed had an Arbitrator from among the followers of Torah to decide and give the verdict. Fir God sake do your own unbiased research based on the umpteenth number of documentations and transcripts now available in the Internet along with proper references and bibliography . For God sake stop being forced to be biased with the catered and necessarily ill motivated news, propaganda. Thank God we now have the availability of material for our very own and independent research and do not have to pass an exam under a supervisors mentor-ship (as in done for Doctoral thesis). The WAR FATIGUE that has set in since 9/11 compounded by the worldwide financial melt down should be reason enough to trigger our own interest if not for anything else at least to satisfy our own intellect and stop the culture of catered news / interpretation by the so called Mainstream Media !!! And now please watch the video only to verify / test the validity of the statement above !!! https://youtube/watch?v=_MVGuWH3whY
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 18:58:20 +0000

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