Tories are such liars. We know that austerity was imposed by the - TopicsExpress


Tories are such liars. We know that austerity was imposed by the Coalition using an opportunistic and feigned panic over the budget deficit. With the Coalition in power for 4 years, the deficit has receded in importance. Labour can be expected to return to its more congenial role of advocating government spending for the provision of public services. Conservatives have always played on dogma and popular prejudice by constantly equating government with bureaucracy. Conservatives arent interested in championing an independent and merit based public service. But most criticisms of government bureaucracy are based on myth, not reality. These agencies actually play a valuable and indispensable role in making our society a better place to live. They are what makes us civilised, they are how we support the vulnerable, ensure equal opportunities, uphold human rights. The point of human rights is that they apply to EVERYONE - something the Tories never get. In fact they are hostile to the very notion that we each have equal worth, as we know. When Tories want to make shrinking government sound attractive and feasible, they claim they are cutting “bureaucracy” and not social “programs.” Most people recognise the value government programs – in the areas of education, health and the environment for example – and dont want to see these reduced; but everyone hates bureaucracy. Using the term “bureaucracy” in this way is a rhetorical sleight-of-hand that attempts to obscure the real costs of cutting back on government programs. The lack of coherent reasoning is because this is simply Tory fundamentalism. And how remarkable that a government that argues against bureaucracy on the grounds that its a threat to individual freedom have no problems imposing the gagging bill and the legal aid bill. But then, the Tories were never known for their joined-up thinking. Or for integrity and telling the truth
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 07:04:26 +0000

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