Toronto has an overwhelming stray cat population. Shelters and - TopicsExpress


Toronto has an overwhelming stray cat population. Shelters and rescues are overflowing with abandoned and unwanted cats. They dont have the resources to take in even a fraction of those left on the streets who are still fending for themselves and having litter after litter of kittens. That is why I will never understand their reluctance to help people who are prepared to help those cats in need out of their own pockets. I have helped stray cats myself. I have donated thousands of dollars to rescues and shelters over the years. I have volunteered, on and off, since I was 18 years old. I have had cat companions all my life - 90% of which have been strays taken in, directly off the street, and the other 10% have been adopted from shelters or rescues. Every member of my family lives with stray cats and always has. I have received countless messages from people asking for my help or advice because they are trying to help stray cats in their neighbourhood and cannot get help from shelters or rescues. Ive been in the same position myself and my heart breaks for them because I dont have the answers that they need. I just tell them to keep reaching out and hopefully someone will help them. Rescues and shelters need to make it easier for the public to be able to help these strays themselves. Shelters and rescues have an extensive network of people, resources, and other organizations, who can make it much simpler for a non-rescue person to do the right thing for an animal in need. Each individual in this city who is willing to help these cats themselves is one less cat being made the responsibility of an overburdened rescue or shelter. And these people are often prepared to house, feed, socialize and take care of these cats for extended periods if they could only just get a little help and support from the rescue community. But they arent getting that support. Unfortunately, these kind people are often met with roadblock after roadblock in their attempt to rescue and help these cats get into good homes. Everyone has to understand that not every single person contacting a rescue is trying to dump their animals. The people who are prepared to help these cats are WELL AWARE of the stress and burden that rescues and shelters are under - that is exactly WHY they are prepared to do it themselves. I would think that the only logical way to go about really putting a dent in the stray cat population in this city would be to encourage and support those individuals who are prepared to help these cats on their own. It is only logical that every individual who is able to help them alleviates that burden off a rescue or shelter. Dont speak to people as if they are just another asshole dumping their animal. Dont assume that they are stupid or ignorant of the facts surrounding rescue work. Dont assume that they dont know what it is to volunteer for animals - that is EXACTLY what they are attempting to be when they call you for support. This isnt about politics, money or competition - it is about saving lives over everything else. And unless people help each other out then we are never going to be able to get the overpopulation problem under control.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:27:59 +0000

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