Torontod zuraachdiin uzesgelen gargah geed sanaa tavij, zohion - TopicsExpress


Torontod zuraachdiin uzesgelen gargah geed sanaa tavij, zohion baiguulah ajil hiij baigaa Bolortoo bayrlalaa. Mun Calgary-d uzesgelen zohion baiguulah zardluudiig daaya gej sanal bolgoson Batjav-t zuraachdiin umnuus bayrlaj baigaagaa ilerhiilye. Bolor Sambuu: Hi Ontario Mongolians, I wanted to share some ideas. Please feel free to comment. Mongolian Canadian Association is working on bringing Mongolian artists to Ottawa and Montreal. Thus, I was wondering if any one wants to collaborate & contribute in creating an event for these artists in Toronto? Canada Mongolia Chamber of Commerce and Edwin Michielsen from sponsoring the gallery and its costs. However, as Zolzaya Bold explained to us these Mongolian artists travel and hotel expenses are needed to bring them to Toronto. Thus, we are looking for Mongolian and Canadian people and org/companies: 1. Any company to sponsor $300 food and beverage expenses at the East Asian Studies Gallery at the University of Toronto on Friday September 26th, 2014. 2. Mongolian and Canadian Host families to accommodate these artists. We are looking for at least 2 families 3. And the biggest challenge is their travel cost. Is there anyone who is truck/taxi drivers to bring these artists from Montreal Mongolchuud to Toronto and drive them back to Montreal? For exchange, we could get your names written in Old Mongolian and companies will be mentioned and advertised during Canada Mongolia Chamber of Commerce event on Thursday September 25th! We will promote your company and you will get Social Impact Assessment from Mongolian Community in Ontario Bolor Sambuu, Executive Director at CMCC. Please contact me at Viber +16474470214 or e-mail me at canadamongoliachamber@gmail Ene zuraachdyn zardalyg sponsorloh hun/company haij bn. Doorhi English deer bichsen medeeliig dahiad end tailbarlaj bn: Bid Mongolyn zuraachdyg Toronto hotod awchirahad hamtran ajillah bolon demjih humuusiig haij bn. 1. Zardal n gantshan ene 4 zuraachdyg Montreal-s Toronto -ruu awchirah bolon butsaah zardal. Mashine-tei humuus bwal heleerei. taxi bolon truck baridag hun bwal zugeer bn 2. End Toronto d 2-3 honog honohod n gertei uriad honuulah bolomj haij bn. Bolj ugwul 2 ger bul bwal sain bn. 3. Neg jijig zardal n gewel University of Toronto-gyn Zuun Asi sudlalyn tanhmyn uzesgelen g ashiglaj bgaa tul $300 undaa, us ed nar zoriulah tulbur garna gesen uchir, uuniig sanaachlana sponsor-loh hun haij bn Bid Kanad Mongolyn Hudaldaany Tanhimyn sanaachilah ene zohion baiguulah uil ajilgaad HAMTRAN ajilmaar bn. End bgaa Mongolchuudtaigaa bas taniltsmaar bn. Bolor Sambuu, utas/Viber +16474470214 shuu. Utasdaarai, bi irgeed zalgie.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 17:09:34 +0000

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