Torture the American way? Although torture was sanctioned by some - TopicsExpress


Torture the American way? Although torture was sanctioned by some states historically, torture in the 21st century is prohibited under international law and the domestic laws of most countries. It is considered to be a violation of human rights, and is declared to be unacceptable by Article 5 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Signatories of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Additional Protocols I and II of 8 June 1977 officially agree not to torture captured persons in armed conflicts, whether international or internal. Torture is also prohibited by the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which has been ratified by 156 countries.[1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sadistic men would take women into a chamber where no one can see what there were doing to them raped them have their way torture them until they were dead and tell the crowd she confessed to be a witch. The people in the CIA carried out the orders from the president of the United States of America who is to commander in chief of all military action the buck stops here by all rights under the Geneva Convention should be charged with war crimes. The public confession by the United States Congress to the world case close they did it there responsible but will they pay or is this the new America without morals the Geneva Convention now void anything goes skin them alive make them talk. Take the quote off the dollar bill and the money in God we trust because this is no longer like Pres. Hussein Obama said a Christian nation. We are a new Roman Empire with a Caesar who is our God passes laws tells us what to do tells us whats right or wrong takes the moral bayous that our country has held close to for generations and we have became Rome. At least build a giant stadium where all the atheists can go and watch the live torture and feeding to the lions so there sadistic thirst for human suffering can be quenched and that sin nature the Bible talks about can become stronger and more powerful until finally it turns on itself to destroy all mankind. Read the history on torture the website above tell me were in the right direction this is the way we want to teach our children how to be what we call humans different from animals able to think able to realize a higher God. I believe that God to be Jesus Christ who the Romans beat bloody knelt them to across stuck experience side and thought they had killed the only hope for mankind but on the third day he rose from the dead. You will answer to this God. Sure I could be wrong maybe Im a weak minded person who needs carrot hanging on a stick before the cart so the donkey will keep pulling. But lets suppose for one moment that there is a God a creator of the universe he revealed himself to mankind through the flesh of Jesus Christ whom you Romans tortured and put to death but we believe he rose from that grave Victorias. We celebrate Christmas in America schools no longer allowed children to talk about baby Jesus are put up manger scenes its happy holidays? But on the dollar bill you see the inscription(In God We Trust) the United States government Congress ordered this to be put on our money but yet they cant prove there is a God? But yet this great nation came out of this belief. Guantánamo Bay we have men locked up their human beings most people believe there terrorists but have they had their day in court like the Geneva Convention says are entitled to are they guilty of what show me the proof show me the witnesses when was the trial. Are we becoming a lawless nation ruled by Caesar Augustus off with the heads put people in prison forever because I said so. To great things happening in our universe thats a warning to all mankind the blood Moon prophecies the harbinger best-selling book Gods trying to get our attention natures self is becoming unmanageable earthquakes more and more as never before the Bible says they will come like travail on a woman until finally judgment to the earth. So is it Merry Christmas or happy holidays? Roger D Conrad-Hamilton Ohio 2014 The year of the Apocalypse began.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:08:02 +0000

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