Total Love: Part 14 Daniel was carrying his brown - TopicsExpress


Total Love: Part 14 Daniel was carrying his brown envelope containing his results. He prostrated before the king, smiling at him. Im back, father. he uttered smiling. Just take your stand, you ate my son, you dont need to be doing all this. He was smiled back. Daniel smiled, stood up and walked towards the king to show him his result. He stretched his brown envelope forward to 4he king and was smiling. There is no cause to check your results, I trust you so vety mucn, isnt it you my boy? He smiled collecting the envelope from him. Thanks father. He bowed still amused. Ive been longing for your arrival, just go and pick the mouth something and start blowing it for me. He smiled to him cuddling him. Daniel smiled, walking in to get the mouth organ. ..... Princess felt cold after the departure of Daniel from her without responding her question. Rachel was happy within her that Daniel neglected the princess question. She walked up to her looking sad, within her, she was happy. My princess, hope theres no problem? She asked steering at her little sad face. Nothing. She responded, smiling as if nothing went wrong. Greatest liar! Rachel thought within her, also smiling back like a good friend. WHO IS FOOLING WHO? ..... Daniel was sitting at the garden calling Darasimi on his cell phone. Ruth was behind him throughout the making of the call. She hid herself so that she would not be seen by Daniel. She still wondered till she walked swiftly back to her room upstairs. She slept on the bed, taking all the space. She was somehow depressed and unhappy. Few minutes later, The Queen knocked on the door softly. She came to check on Ruth because she had been in her room since, it was Daniels voice she heard that made her trace him to the garden. She changed her posture and look immediately she heard the knock on the door. Whos there? She asked, clearing her throat and started at the door. The queen opened the door and came right inside. She wasnt expecting her, it was a kind of surprise seeing her just come into her room to check on her. MOM! She smiled and stood up from the mattress, walked towards her to give her a hug. May I know whats wrong with my beautiful and adorable daughter. The Princess of thisbgreat Kingdom, daughter of a great and mighty King? She smiled. Princess Ruth smiled back and uttered NOTHING. You cant tell me nothing, dear. I know you, you know me too quite well. She paused and walked to her mattress and sat down. She continued. I can see it written all over you that something is wrong. It is written all over your face. Youve caught me mum. She smiled and walked to the Queen. The queen laughed out and cuddled her to her side. Now, tell me whats wrong with you. The princess stared at the Queen. I dont know what to really say mum. You just have to start with something and from somewhere. Is it the issue of a guy? She smiled and winked. The princess laughed. Princess kept on laughing. She didnt want to tell the queen but eventually spoke out. Mum, its just that its an issue of a guy and not an issue of a guy. She uttered. So can I know what that out rightly means, my daughter? Queen smiled. Mum, you cant understand. I dont want to trouble you, so dont be troubled. She said. One thing I love in my like is trouble, thats why I must know. Queen uttered, continued smiling. Both laughed out. Alright mum. Its a guy issue. She laughed. Dear daughter, can I know the lucky guy, trying to disturb my daughter? She winked and smiled. Mum! Queen! She exclaimed laughing. Sure, Im your mother. I can be of help to sort things out. She continued smiling. Thats true but in this case, I dont want to get you involved. Princess shook her head. Alright, If you insist. Ill carry out my secret investigations on the guy and at the end youll know me as I am. She uttered laughing. Mum! Princess shouted smiling at her. Are you now ready to tell me the guy? Queen asked. Alright mum. Its... She paused. Who now? You better talk! Queen said watching Ruths mouth closely. DANIEL. She said. DAN? Princess asked. DAN? The Queen asked. Y.. Yes.. Ruth stammered. Queen started her laughter back. You this lady, you can kill someone o. Tell me youre joking. She stared at her. Mum, Im not o. I really mean it. She uttered. So, is that you are now frowning? At least you are not to young for that now. Dont worry, leave everything to your mother. She laughed. Mum, he already has someone hes going out with. Ruth said frankly. Leave everything unto me, I said! Now, be happy and cheerful. Ill take care of the remaining. The queen promised. Alright mum. I trust you. Its not easy. She laughed. Good, just lets go. She drew her off the bed. ... Daniel was sitting by the King and was blowing the mouth organ for him. King relaxed on the throne, the guards stood close to him. One was fanning him with a specially made hand fan. Although Air Conditioner is present in the palace, but the king hates it, likewise Daniel too. One of the maids walked quietly to the palace and knelt before the throne. The food is ready your majesties. She addressed the King and Daniel. Daniel took off the mouth organ from his mouth and faced the king. Thanks miss. You may go. King waved. Are you going to the dinning now, or should I continue dad? Daniel asked. Lets go and eat. The King uttered. The Queen and Ruth were already on the dinning chairs. They were sitting, waiting for the arrival of the King before they start eating. Welcome, your highness. The Queen greeted. Thanks. He replied and sat down. *** The 6-cliques had called one another to meet at DAVE KENLY RELAXATION CENTRE AND GYM. They all arrived almost the same time to gist and ask of their various results. They were all looking handsome in their dresses. They sat by the pool side, taking ice-cream and eating snacks. It was only Dammy who had the lowest G.P out of them all. They all started abusing him about the issue of loving ladies so much. He was admonished by them all and promised to turn a new leaf. Although, Tade wasnt that different too, but hes better and passed than Dammy. They all got swimming trunk and started swimming after they eaten. They played together in water and played various games. Indeed, they were best of friends! Part 15 @
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:09:14 +0000

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