Total Love: Part 32 He got home and was somehow sad, he - TopicsExpress


Total Love: Part 32 He got home and was somehow sad, he dropped his car key and sat in the sitting room. His two children rushed down to come and greet him, his wife was still heavily pregnant then. She came down to smiling, to welcome her husband. Dad, whats wrong with you? The daughters were asking. His wife came down, looking very beautiful with the Ghana weaving hair on her. She was smiling only to discover that her husband wasnt happy. Haha. She exclaimed and walked properly beside him. Whats the matter? She asked with concern written all over her. Im okay. Just trying to remember something. He replied. Remember? About that issue? She asked. Yes. He replied and smiled at her. He cuddled his daughters dont worry dad is fine. Go to your rooms and rest. He smiled to them. The girls left for their various rooms while Tomilayo was still with him, also thinking. I heard a name today.. Damilola. Ive been trying to remember what the name is all about but cant at all. He said. Okay, lets start like this. She was your sister, fianceé, cousin, nephew, niece, mother or what? She emphasized. I dont know. He replied. •••• The students resumed back to their various schools. The princess and her friends were after bringing Darasimi down. They called the guys that will execute the work for them. They concluded that they will carry out their operation on friday night. They concluded on money and everything, those guys were exactly the same guys that kidnapped Tony. They still exist and still work together hire killing people for money. Shes gonna regret this! The princess smiled and crossed her legs. ... The deal was completely stricken, minds were at rest that Darasimi wont escape that friday, it might even lead to her death, they didnt care. 6:30pm Friday evening..... Daniel was in his room with his friends gisting. He got a call from the students Fellowship coordinator. He was told there would be a fellowship vigil and must at least bring two people. He was amazed and told his lazy friends about it who laughed it off. He decided to ping Darasimi about the fellowship vigil. I cant come for vigil oh..the lectures were tiresome today. She replied Please now, it wont be easy for me alone and I must bring at least to people. He replied. And must they be ladies? She teased smiling. Come if you want to.. Haha, please Darasimi. He pleaded. Okay, where should we meet? She asked. Daniel smiled happily. Okay, around the library. He replied. Ill be there shortly, we shouldnt walk at night. She uttered and smiled. Alright. Thanks lots of love. He smiled. •••• 08:30pm Friday evening.... The guys got to the front of the room and knocked. It was one of them that walked in asking for Darasimi. They were surprised a male could come to their hostel to ask for Darasimi. Shes not in. The room mate replied. But everyone is on bed right now. How come shes not here.. You are lying. The guy smiled. Please who are you? I said.. Just show me her bed.. The guy insisted. She pointed to her bed and met a girl sleeping on it. He smiled and walked towards the place. All other girls kept on watching them and busy with what they were doing, all wondering about what he was up to. He whistled and other guys broke in, everyone was afraid and couldnt face them. They walked to the bed the guy was showed and sprinkled acid on her.... ... The guys left after theyve completed their job. The other room mates rushed to check on Adeola who was sleeping on Darasimis bed that was washed with acid. The girl was quickly rushed to the hospital and attended to. The guys went back home happily that theyve just completed their good job while Darasimi was busy with prayer in the fellowship meeting. The princess and her friend celebrated all night when they heard that she had been rushed to the hospital, not knowing it was Deola, one of the girls in the hostel and not Darasimi. SATURDAY, 5:00 AM Darasimi was escorted by Daniel to the hostel. The princess and her friends were angrily outside then, theyve discovered that it was Deola that was the victim of their bad intentions towards her. She climbed up the stairs and greeted them, they never answered but were all standing and facing the last floor looking at Dan to verify if she went out with Dan all night. They neglected her as she went in, she entered into the bedroom and met everything scattered. Nobody was in, she walked out looking so scared. What happened? She quickly asked the princess and her friends. They pretended as if they didnt hear all what she had been saying and started their discussions. She brought out her phone and met twenty-eight missed calls on it, she wondered what went wrong that her phone didnt ring out. She remembered she had to personalize her settings to silent so that she wont be the wave in the fellowship. She quickly dialed Funmis number to confirm what happened but it wasnt going through. She rushed downstairs, her eyes were although heavy she got down and tried another room mates phone number but it wasnt going through. She rushed to a room downstairs to ask of what happened, she then heard about all that happened. She rushed to the hospital to confirm. ... 12:05 PM SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Gloria and Funke were together at Glorias place to discuss and play together. They usually see to discuss but theyve seen each other for somehow long. The Queen still doesnt know we are alive. That woman just killed Tony just like that. Funke uttered. Urgh.. Gloria laughed out. Haha. Whats funny now? Funke stared at her. Just imagined something, Tony should just come in now. They both laughed. Its true, Ill take to my heels instantly. They both laughed. I even saw his passport with Daniel. He said the King gave him to keep. Funke uttered. King? I dont even like how my son is living with that Queen, human lives are nothing to her. Gloria complained. Its just a matter of time, when he becomes the King now.. Funke uttered. Who? My son.. He cant marry that princess oh! They both kept laughing. You are desperate about this? Funke smiled. Sure, that useless Damilola that calls herself a Queen. She can do anything to protect her useless dignity. Gloria added. Is it me that Is useless?........... A voice uttered from the door. ... Part 33 @
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 20:54:59 +0000

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