Totally working on this tomorrow! This is a CALL TO ACTION! - TopicsExpress


Totally working on this tomorrow! This is a CALL TO ACTION! Please, SHARE this widely. Write a letter to the editor about Palestine, please. We students are doing it. Help us flood the Courier The Courier-Journal | courier-journal with letters! Did you know at least seven Palestinians have been killed by Israel since June 12 when the Israeli teens were kidnapped? All of the murders in Israel-Palestine lately have been tragic. Yet, media coverage of the events has not been equal, not even close. Most of us on this list are not surprised by the biased media coverage in favor of Israel. To combat this we ask you to take action with us and WRITE A LETTER TO THE COURIER JOUNRAL. SEND YOUR LETTER HERE: archive.courier-journal/interactive/article/99999999/CUST/80212021/Letters-Editor Tell them about the real situation in Palestine, about the need for justice for the Palestinians for there to any real, equitable peace in Palestine-Israel. Write a short letter of 200 words or less. SJP IS DOING IT! We should all do it! This is a good way to take advantage of the national news coverage to get our message out there. We’ve made it very easy! Below are some bullet points that you can include as facts that have occurred in Palestine. We’ve also included a few links to articles. SEND YOUR LETTER HERE: archive.courier-journal/interactive/article/99999999/CUST/80212021/Letters-Editor Here are some talking points for your letters: -We love all of our brothers and sisters, all of Gods children, Israel and Palestinian, yet why do we hear so much about three Israeli boys being murdered when Palestinian children are being killed at a rate of one every three days? - Since the kidnapping of the 3 Israeli youths, more than twice that number of Palestinians have been killed by Israelis. The media have not reported most of these deaths. Media coverage of Palestinian deaths is very poor generally. -Checkpoints have increased all over the West Bank. Citizens of Hebron are severely restricted in their movement - Since September 2000, at least 1524 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis. -In fact there have been seven Palestinians killed since the Israelis were kidnapped and, your readers might be interested to know that of these seven, four were also teenagers: Muhammad Dudeen, 14, Yusuf Abu Zagher, 18, Muhammad Abu Thahr, 15, and Nadim Nuwara, 17, the last two shot by Israeli snipers. Sadly but predictably, the taking of these young lives hasnt generated the same universal outrage. -In the last three weeks, Israeli forces have detained over 545 Palestinians without American standards of due process. Over 5000 Palestinians are imprisoned by Israel, many for no crime or merely for political actions. Nearly 200 Palestinian children also sit in Israeli prisons. -Israel is not bombing only non-civilian targets in Gaza. Two people have been killed in extra judicial killings and over ten have been injured according to Palestinian health officials. -The occupation of the West Bank makes life difficult for Palestinians every day. -The West Bank has been militarily occupied by the Israelis since 1967. Its time for an end to the US governments tacit approval and call for boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israel until they end the occupation. -Since 1948, many Palestinians have been refugees. Israel would not allow Arabs to return to their villages and still won’t. These refugees still live in squalid conditions. Now there are 5 million Palestinian refugees living in exile in the West Bank, Gaza and all over the world. WHERE TO SEND YOUR LETTER: archive.courier-journal/interactive/article/99999999/CUST/80212021/Letters-Editor More sources to bolster your letter: aljazeera/indepth/opinion/2014/07/no-peace-palestine-2014-201472904871414.html theguardian/world/2014/jul/02/reporting-contradictions-on-israeli-deaths This is a chance to do something for the Palestinians, to have a voice in the written world where it’s hard to find anything about how poorly and brutally Palestinians are being treated every day. This is the time to put that anger and pain we have for 16 year old Mohammad that was beaten and burned to death, the families with demolished homes and the Palestinians living a life of waiting for the next Israeli attack to work and write about how we feel! So please take half an hour from your day to speak for the people we all care about and want to help. We in SJP are all writing letters. Speak out for truth and justice with us. Louisville Students for Justice in Palestine
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 04:38:19 +0000

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