Toto by si měli zapamatovat a nazpaměť naučit všichni - TopicsExpress


Toto by si měli zapamatovat a nazpaměť naučit všichni příznivci Zemana. Předpokládám, že to jsou vzdělaní lidé a proto nebudu překládat a publikuji v originále: „93. In absolute monarchies indeed, as well as other governments of the world, the subjects have an appeal to the law, and judges to decide any controversies, and restrain any violence that may happen betwixt the subjects themselves, one amongst another. This every one thinks necessary, and believes he deserves to be thought a declared enemy to society and mankind, who should go about to take it away. But whether this be from a true love of mankind and society, and such a charity as we owe all one to another, there is reason to doubt: for this is no more than what every man, who loves his own power, profit, or greatness, may and naturally must do, keep those animals from hurting, or destroying one another, who labour and drudge only for his pleasure and advantage; and so are taken care of, not out of any love the master has for them, but love of himself, and the profit they bring him: for if it be asked, what security, what fence is there, in such a state, against the violence and oppression of this absolute ruler“ Citace z: Locke, John. „Second Treatise of Government.“ iBooks. Je možné, že tento materiál je chráněn autorským zákonem.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 19:49:18 +0000

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