Touchstone has just been, I need to write before I forget. They - TopicsExpress


Touchstone has just been, I need to write before I forget. They say they havent read the blog and cant by law, or they would be sacked. It was upsetting, I blew and didnt mean to. I was unable to stay calm as I explained everything, poor buggers. Im guessing they were here about 30-60mins. First time Ive had a negative experience with them. Im still going to cooperate 100%. I never abused them but I expressed my anger, frustration at the services. Be clear, my life is destroyed at their hands (the services, all public services, not touchstone), they are responsible for this mess. And I WILL NOT BE A COWARD AND RUN AWAY so that they can put this headache to one side. The people and victims up and down the country, they deserve someone, ANYONE who has the courage to stand up to this and expose the reality of the system. I was angry that they were pressuring me to stop this blog for my welfare and using other things.... I told them I have a right to campaign, and if the powers that be want to kill mental health patients by exerting corruption and lies, and all the services at me now, that were informed a million times but left me to it, suddenly want to respond, not to me, or this post, but from an email from the top. Be clear, I rang my doctors, the crisis line, I rang everywhere the last time I took a massive overdose, the police saw me in a distressed state and were not affected either. When driven to it, nothing, still no help. But wait, I expose all this, and suddenly all these services are blackmailing me to stop standing up for what I believe in. I cant be the one to take the storm, and crack under pressure, because... Im mentally ill and a pressure cooker as A DIRECT RESULT OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT OF ALL THESE SAME SERVICES TO START WITH. BLATANT CORRUPTION, ABUSE AND DAMAGE AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THEIR NEGLECT AND REFUSAL OF HELP, ALL OF THEM WERE INFORMED INCESSANTLY OVER THE YEARS AND ALL OF IT WAS IGNORED. They then use the fact that Im under pressure and cracking as a way to take everything from me and exert regulations that were never there before. This IS ABUSE and wrong. I want the public to see what has happened to me, and what continues to happen to anyone who tries to get well and reach out. They are all guilty of manslaughter up and down the country, from mental health offing themselves, to victims of the pressure and neglect placed on the mental health when they blow under the pressures of this corrupt supposed services at hand... they are lying, blatantly, about services they have and what they can do. Cameron,. now you know, for every victim of this, from mental health to victims of it (I make no excuses, attempting to bring awareness to the external variables causing this does not mean I excuse it) you are responsible. Lets see what you do about this while you run around for your election votes x
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:04:17 +0000

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