Tour the Galaxy: The Inner RIm Pt 3: YagDhul YagDhul was the - TopicsExpress


Tour the Galaxy: The Inner RIm Pt 3: YagDhul YagDhul was the home world of the Givin and capital of the Givin Domain. Small and barren, YagDuhls three large moons produced tidal forces so extreme that often the planets water and atmosphere were drawn to different parts of the planet, leaving the rest of the world in vacuum. The planet was at the intersection of the Rimma Trade Route and the Corellian Trade Spine, ensuring a heavy amount of traffic. During the Jedi Civil War it was conquered by Darth Revans forces. Later, the planet and the Givin Domain was represented in the Galactic Senate by Daggibus Scoritoles. In 22 BBY, shortly before the Clone Wars, the Body Calculus developed a model of the Galactic Republics current political situation, which indicated a bleak future for both the Republic and YagDhul specifically. Consequently, the planet seceded, and the native Givin later served as mathematicians for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, discovering new hyperlanes for the war effort and contributing Wavecrest-class frigates from their well-regarded shipyards. The planet served as the base for the First Fleet of the Confederate Navy. Its shipbuilding capabilities were apparently destroyed during or after the Clone Wars, but the industrious Givin rebuilt them by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The planets politics were complex, but certain factions in the government supported resistance against the Galactic Empire. An Empress-class space station named Yag-prime was built by the Rebel Alliance over YagDhul during the Galactic Civil War. After the Battle of Endor, the planet was under the control of Warlord Sander Delvardus. The New Republic freed the planet in 5 ABY. However, Warlord Zsinj held the station Yag-prime in 6 ABY. The station was captured from his forces by the New Republic, and became, with the permission of the Givin government, the site of Rogue Squadrons orbiting base for training during the Bacta War. The New Republic maintained official possession of the station until the Givin demanded that it be ceded a few years after the Pellaeon–Gavrisom Treaty. The planet joined the New Republic sometime between 4 ABY and 9 ABY. It was a New Republic stronghold during the Thrawn campaign. The planet was contested during the Yuuzhan Vong War at the Battle of YagDhul and possibly other battles, the Yuuzhan Vongs intention being to take YagDhul to use it as a staging ground for an assault on Thyferra. starwars.wikia/wiki/Yag%27Dhul
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 18:29:32 +0000

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