Tourism Board approves grant, deals with differing views James - TopicsExpress


Tourism Board approves grant, deals with differing views James Murr The Junction Eagle At its meeting on June 26, the Junction Texas Tourism Board (JTTB) approved a tourism grant; received a detailed report on tourism promotion activities; dealt with specific tourism topics; and worked on its budget for the next fiscal year. The board approved a grant of $1,500 for the 94th Annual Show and Sale of the Texas Angora Goat Raisers’ Association. The event will be held during July 26-27 on the grounds of the Hill Country Fair Association (HCFA). The grant will be used to help pay for advertising costs. Dale Naumann was present to explain the request and answer questions. He advised that another community has sought to host this event, but the Association appreciated the financial assistance given by the city and the Tourism Board over the years, and a decision was made to keep the Show and Sale in Junction. During the Public Forum part of the meeting, Hoyt Moss provided an update on “The Sizzler” Disc Golf Tournament scheduled for July 26-28 in Junction. The board earlier approved a grant of $1,100 for this event. Moss reported that, to date, 80 persons have registered on-line. Up to 140 participants are expected. Ultimately, the goal is to have a tournament with 500 participants in future years. Cheryl Herring, Tourism Administrator, provided the board with a detailed report on tourism promotion efforts. Some report highlights follow. Print and web-based advertising are now being done in the cities of Austin, Fort Worth, Midland and San Antonio. Automated replies have been sent to over 6,000 e-mail inquiries received during mid-April to mid-June. The replies include electronic versions of tourism promotion brochures. Brochures are also being sent by regular mail, and the board approved funds for postage to do so. A new billboard on Interstate Highway 10 promoting Junction as a destination for tourists has been installed near Boerne. The billboard space has been leased for four months at a cost of $950 a month; leasing beyond the four-month period will require the City Council’s approval. Additional directional signage nearer Junction is under continuing consideration by the board. Herring advised that another 100 caps, 500 koozies, and 250 visors have been ordered as promotional items. Herring continues to work with HCFA representatives to obtain permission to better utilize Lovers Leap as a “tourism point of attraction”. For example, placing a viewing platform at a suitable location atop Lovers Leap is being discussed. Mayor McDonald, in written comments, asked the following: why is the JTTB taking the lead on a project outside of the City and shouldn’t the property owner develop the attraction, and then we help promote it?” This matter will be discussed further with the mayor. The mayor also wrote to question the advisability of placing a single visitor kiosk near the McDonald’s near Interstate Highway 10, as the board has been working to do. The estimated cost for such a kiosk, related software and installation is around $40,000. McDonald suggested that, if a kiosk is to be pursued, it would be better to install numerous, smaller kiosks in businesses throughout the community. The board believes that there are many substantive considerations to take into account in pursuing a “kiosk approach” (versus building a very costly Visitor Center) and these will be reviewed with McDonald. The board spent considerable time reviewing its proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 (October 1, 2013 through September 30 2014). The board estimates there will be revenue of around $180,000 for this budget. Pursuant to an annual contract between the city and the Kimble County Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber receives 30 percent of this amount, as well as some additional funds for tourism purposes. The board anticipates meeting with Chamber representatives to clarify several things proposed in the Chamber budget. The funds for the Chamber are included in the JTTB’s annual budget, which is subject to approval by the City Council. The JTTB’s tourism promotion activities are financed through the City of Junction’s Tourism Fund. The Fund’s source of revenue is the hotel/motel occupancy tax, which is collected by local motels and is seven percent of the cost of a room The JTTB’s members are appointed by the City Council. Current members and (who they represent) are Steve Brown (Chamber of Commerce); Alan Hartt (Junction Texas Economic Development Corporation), Jeanie King, John Kothmann and Molly McMillan (at-large business owners); Raymond McDonald (city council); and Paul Ramsdell (hotel/motel owner). King is the board president. All board members were present for the meeting except for Brown and McDonald. The board meets monthly at noon on the last Wednesday of each month in the City Meeting Room at 102 N. 5th Street. Meetings are open to the public and persons having questions or views about the board’s work are encouraged to attend. The Junction Texas Tourism website can be found at junctiontexas.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 13:54:58 +0000

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