Tourism has been a priority of the West Central Africa country of - TopicsExpress


Tourism has been a priority of the West Central Africa country of Cameroon since 1974, when then-President Ahmadou Ahidjo established the General Delegation of Tourism. Since then, officials have attempted to get the message out about why Cameroon should be a premier destination for tourists worldwide. Cameroon, which is nestled between Nigeria in the West, Chad in the North, and the Republic of Congo in the East, boasts numerous national treasures, such as the tallest peak in West Africa with Mt. Cameroon, black volcanic sand beaches off the coast of Limbe, the storied Pygmy people, Waza National Park, and the once-powerful Mandara Kingdom from the 1500s, whose distinguished architecture still stands...Head of Communications in the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure Serge Eric Epoune told NewsOne the context for tourism in Cameroon, “We have lived in a very big economic crisis for more than 10 years. From 1989 to 2000 and even 2001. There were small jobs, but no great investment. When there is not investment, then there is no jobs, no growth. It is now that the powers have decided to invest in the country. That’s why you see the deep sea port of Kribi, which would be one of the maritime platforms of Central Africa.” A deep sea port is being built by the Chinese in Kribi. Epoune explains what impact this will have on the country, “A port for Equatorial Guinea, a port for Gabon, a port for Cameroon, a port for Chad, a port for Central Africa. It will be a very big platform for development. So in two to four years, you won’t recognize this place. “[Our tourism program] is a huge program that has been around for at least 20 years. Just because of the economic situation, We could not carry it out, but we are doing it now with the help of our partners, investors, China, France, and if the U.S. wants to come. If England wants to come, then there is a place for everybody.”newsone/2744892/cameroon-tourism/
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:45:33 +0000

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